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缓慢而持续。Slow but Steady.

深深缓慢地吸气。Deep, slow inhalation.

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缓慢曲膝。Slowly bend the knees.

民主制度办起事来,行动缓慢。Democracy moves slowly.

音乐声缓慢消失了。The music dribbled away.

那条船正在缓慢驶来。The ship is edging down.

嘀哒声中,价格缓慢增加。The price slowly ticks up.

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道路结冰时要缓慢地刹车。When it's icy brake gently.

热天工作缓慢。Work slackens on a hot day.

现状的改变将是缓慢的。That will be slow to change.

我要做一个小时的缓慢瑜珈。I’ll do an hour of slow yoga.

若经济增长缓慢,则降低利率。So if it's slowing, rates cut.

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老人缓慢吃力地上楼。The old man lumbered upstairs.

而老版本浏览器则运行缓慢Crabbed old and modern browsers

它是一种爬行缓慢的树栖动物!It's a slow-moving tree animal!

杆菌的生长速度非常缓慢。The bacillus grows very slowly.

进展非常缓慢。Progress has been achingly slow.

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游行队伍没完没了地缓慢前进。The parade dragged by endlessly.

你预期它会缓慢地消失。You expect it to slowly go away.

但太多的扩展功能使法郎缓慢。But too many addons make FF slow.