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遗弃罪是一种传统型的犯罪。The crime of abandonment is a kind of traditional crime.

扩大遗弃罪主体,犯罪主体包括自然人和单位。Three, Expanding the body of the abandonment crime, which including natural person and unit.

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建议将遗弃致人重伤或死亡的情形规定为遗弃罪的加重罪状。It should be designated the situation of person's severely wounded or death as aggravating article.

如果父母犯了遗弃罪,法庭可不经父母同意将儿童交由他人收养。The court may allow a child to be adopted without the consent of its parents if they are guilty of abandonment.

我国刑法中的遗弃罪之本质在于对公民在家庭中受扶养权利的侵犯,行为人和被害人必须是同一家庭的成员。According to Chinese Criminal Law, the essence of crime of abandonment is an infringement on the right of family member.

通过对王益明等人遗弃案的分析,引出对遗弃罪的有关争议。Based on the analysis of the Wang Yingming's desertion case, this paper leads to the controversy of the crime of desertion.

义务的扶养性、义务程度的紧迫性是遗弃罪与以遗弃方式实施的不作为的故意杀人罪的主要区别。The fostering and pressing duty differentiates the guilty of abandonment and the guilty of murder as the manner of abandonment.

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因此,学者之间就有了争议,认为应该通过解释的方法扩大遗弃罪的范围,但学者们对该罪的理解仍然基本上保持通说的观点。So there will be a dispute between scholars, argued that explanation method should be adopted to expand the scope of the abandonment crime.

因此,填补法律空白,完善遗弃罪的规定对发挥刑法的法益保障机能、更好地保护弱势群体大有裨益。Therefore, we should fill the legal gaps and improve the regulations about the abandonment crime to protect the vulnerable groups' benefit.

遗弃罪在刑法体系中位置的变化为重新建构遗弃罪的内涵提供了契机。If the victims of the crime are limited among family members, it is not favor for the protection of person's The new criminal law setup it a different place.

遗弃罪法益的变化使交通肇事逃逸致死问题的定性变得复杂化。The change of law profit of the abandonment crime has made the determination of the nature of traffic accident cases which caused death because of escape become complicated.