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歼击机很快从战斗中撤出了。The fighter planes quickly disengaged from the combat.

方法①检查103名歼击机飞行员和62名地勤人员的听力。Methods Hearing of 103 fighter pilots and 62 ground crew was examined.

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苏—27歼击机,俄国政府引以为豪的空军主力,亦在出售行列。The sale included the pride of the Russian air force, the Sukhoi-27 fighter jet.

目的了解歼击机飞行员近年来患病住院的疾病种类及其特点。Objective To investigate the categories and features of disease spectrum in pilots of fighters.

除了豪华汽车,这座工厂还为二战生产歼击机发动机。In addition to the luxury vehicles, the factory turned out engines for World War II fighter planes.

使用重型歼击机进行编队高级特技飞行,这在世界上是独一无二的。It will be the unique in the world for heavy fighter planes to perform in a team aerobatics display.

本文提出了获得歼击机发动机载荷剖面的相似转换法。This paper deals with a similarity-transformation method for obtaining engine design loading section.

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F-16歼击机纵向通道的控制仿真结果表明了方法的有效性。The simulation for longitude control of F-16 fighter flight system shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.

基于传统的概率分析法提出一种评估歼击机导引效能的方法。A method of evaluating fighters guidance effectiveness was given based on conventional probability analysis method.

但这个容易得分的梦想已在本月中国引进了自己的隐形战斗歼击机J-20之后瞬间破灭。But that dream of the easy score was dashed this month, after China introduced its own stealth fighter jet, the J-20.

目的评估空军强击、歼击机飞行员心理健康状况,为航卫保障提供依据。Objective To evaluate the mental health of the attack and fighter plane's pilots so as to provide facts for air guard.

二月份,巴基斯坦用中国产的歼击机装备了它的第一个飞行中队,潜在改善了它同印度的军事均衡。Pakistan inducted its first squadron of Chinese-made fighter jets in February, potentially altering the military balance with India.

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最后,以某型歼击机的飞机舵面故障判决为例,用仿真结果证明,本文方法是行之有效的。An example based on the aircraft actuator failure classification is presented. Simulation results show that this method is effective.

目的了解歼击机飞行员腰腿痛情况及危险因素,有针对性地预防腰腿痛的发生。Objective To investigate the morbidity and risk factors of backleg pain in fighter pilots and find the clue to prevent the backleg pain.

粗集方法可直接处理歼击机的可测输出信号,不需要对象的数学模型和相关先验知识。The proposed method dealt with measurable signal of the aircraft, mathematical model and no relevant transcendental knowledge was needed.

目的分析我国歼击机、轰炸机飞行员身体构成现状,为飞行员选拔和制定保健措施提供依据。Objective To explore the present status of body composition of Chinese fighter and bomber pilots for their better health care maintenance.

目的评价肌力协调抗荷训练对高性能战斗机飞行员和歼击机飞行员的抗G效果。Objective To evaluate the anti G effect of coordinated muscle straining training in high performance fighter pilots and Jian fighter pilots.

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目的探讨我国歼击机飞行员经受的过载作用对其颈椎组织可能产生的影响及其有效防护措施。Objective To probe the effect of overload experienced by Chinese fighter pilots on their vertebrae tissue and search for the protective measures.

歼击机的实用升限在20000米左右,高空侦察机如美国的SR-71,实用升限约25000米。Fighter plane's service ceiling about 20000 meters, high-altitude surveillance aircraft like US's SR-71, service ceiling approximately 25000 meters.

队员必须一切以国产歼击机战队团结为中心,不得作出任何影响或有损战队声誉的行为!All team members must unite with domestic assault group of fighters center, or not make any detrimental impact on the reputation of the assault group!