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我们拿它戏弄朋友。We tease our friends.

你在戏弄我吗?You're goofing on me?

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我戏弄了我的爸爸。I have my father hoaxed.

别戏弄我的老朋友。Don't hector my old firend.

咒骂这个人,他戏弄我。Damn this man, he teases me.

别再戏弄那个可怜的孩子了。Stop japing at the poor child.

不要戏弄残疾人!Don't make fun of the disabled!

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他受到他雇员的一番戏弄He was spoofed by his employees.

你在戏弄我,是吗?You're goofing on me, aren't you?

跪在他面前戏弄他说,恭喜犹太人的王阿。"Hail, king of the Jews!" they said.

戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。I do not banter you, I am in earnest.

别戏弄新来的小伙子啊,他是我外甥。Don't hoax the new boy who's my nephew.

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戏弄那个小男孩,你真坏。It was mean of you to tease the little boy.

如果你戏弄他,他会生气的。If you tease him, he becomes hot with anger.

戏弄他人而使其失去理性是无礼的。It is rude to banter a man out of his senses.

他不过是戏弄而已,别太当回事儿。He is only teasing. Don't take it so seriously.

大风猛扑到海面上戏弄着浪涛。The wind were swooping down to tease the waves.

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别理他,他在戏弄你呢。Pay no attention to him, he's hectoring upon you.

看守耶稣的人戏弄他,打他And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him.

它没有尊严,必须忍受着人们的戏弄。It has no dignity, and it has to endure people's tease.