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你就看不出来它已经是半死不活了吗?Can't you see he's half-dead?

你不能有那种“半死不活”的银行。”You cannot have 'zombie' banks.

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这人已是半死不活。The man is more dead than alive.

现在我要哭啦——我要一直哭到半死不活!And now I'll cry--I'll cry myself sick!'

我真希望你现在半死不活。I like you better now that you're dying.

让那些死去或者半死不活的网站活过来!For those who died or half-dead site alive!

让那些死去或半死不活的企业活过来!For those who died or half-dead business alive!

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物质世界与它相比,是一个模糊的、疲乏的、充满了半死不活的人的梦。Compared to this, the physical world is a vague, tired dream full of half dead people.

此时,一只饿得半死不活的蝗虫,来到这儿求蚂蚁给他点儿吃得。A grasshopper half-dead with hunger, came by and asked the ants for a morsel to save his life.

到大橡树下,你会发现已经可怜巴巴、半死不活的木偶直挺挺躺在草地上。On reaching the oak tree, you will find a poor, half-dead Marionette stretched out on the grass.

看着原本如花似玉的女儿变成半死不活的样子,母亲心痛不已。Witnessing the original flower-like daughter become so abject, her mother was more than heartbroken.

尽管如此,毫不夸张的说,只需要几滴水,半死不活的它们就又会复苏。However, just a few drops of water could literally bring that half-dead living organism back to life.

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工作,他坚持说,是唯一能把半死不活的流浪汉变成尊敬自己的人类的事。Work, he insisted, is the only thing to turn a half-alive vagrant into a self-respecting human being.

将这位半死不活,困于尿床而依旧心肠歹毒的老太婆与巍巍大山相比实在可笑。Of course it was silly really to connect this half-dead bed-wetting still spiteful old woman with a mountain.

你杀死的是纯洁的生命,从你的嘴唇接触到它的血液的那一刻起,你就会变得半死不活。You have slain something so pure that from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life.

十九年后,她成了一个半死不活的人,戒毒三个月,有戴在手上的荧光钥匙牌为证。Nineteen years later, Mandy semi-survived, had three months clean, some fluorescent key-ring tags to prove it.

在驾车接近躺在街心的半死不活的珍妮特时,里克和丹争论该怎么处理她。Rick and Dan debate what to do about Janet as they approach her lifeless body laying in the middle of the street.

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在大西洋两岸,许多银行仍然处于半死不活的状态,依靠政府的支持维持着。On both sides of the Atlantic, numerous banks remain neither dead nor fully alive, propped up by government support.

摄相机镜头记录了年轻的竞选志愿者半死不活地躺在沙发上,或者在公园里游荡。The camera showed pitiful young campaign volunteers lying comatose on a couch or wandering aimlessly through a park.

他躺在地上,又冷又饿,半死不活,肋骨断了,手放在肚子上,牙关紧闭,眼睛燃烧着愤怒的火花。He lay half dead on the ground, cold and hungry, his ribs broken, his hands on his stomach, his teeth clenched and his eyes glowing with anger.