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湖心亭是一座三层重檐楼阁式的古亭。Huxin Pavilion is a three-story, double-eave ancient structure.

该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐、三开间牌楼坊。There are four column, three gates, three brims , three openings in the archway.

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塔坐西向东,砖石结构,重檐七级楼阁式。The tower, facing the east, is of masonry structure and pavilion-style with 7 eaves.

园东北部的二层半重檐楼阁,为苏州园林所仅见。Park northeast of the two-story semi-Zhongyan pavilions , gardens in Suzhou by only see.

前院多为单层殿堂,后院全为重檐楼阁,雕刻精细,别具一格。More single- storey hall for the front yard, back yard all Zhongyan pavilions, fine carvings, unique.

该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐五滴水仿木青石雕花牌坊。The style is four columns, three gates, three brims , five water dypasses in this wooden-like stone archway.

馆高15米,建筑面积1400余平方米,为双重檐,四周环廊式结构。Museum 15 meters high, the building area of 1400 square meters, double eaves, ring around the corridor structure.

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形制为四柱三门三重檐五滴水仿木石质结构素面雕花坊。Tthere are four columns, three gates, three brims, five water dypasses in this wooden-like stone carving archway.

这个长廊是八角双重檐,代表着四季的每一个季节。The corridor is interspersed with a quartet of double-eave octagonal pavilions symbolizing each of the four seasons.

棂星门是孔庙特有的一种建筑形式,通常面宽大至七开间,并采取歇山重檐屋顶。Confucius Temple Lingxing-door is a unique architectural style, often voluminous large seven-bay, and take Xieshan roof eaves.

坐西朝东,为双重檐歇山顶无斗拱砖木结构建筑,东西长25米,南北宽15米,占地375平方米。Sit toward the east, as he faced double rests the brick structure building, no longer the stuff of 25, covers an area of 15 meters wide 375 square meters.

它为仿木琉璃结构的重檐建筑,以蓝、绿、黄色的釉面砖砌成,在殿外四壁镶有静卧佛像445尊在每一个釉砖的中间,看起来就像是木头雕刻的一样。It is faced with glazed tiles of blue, green and yellow, the walls niched in 445 places with each tile made to look like a wood carved image of the reposing Buddha.

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长陵,是明朝第三位皇帝明成祖朱棣的陵寝,其中的九间重檐庑殿,是中国目前等级最高的殿宇。Chang Ling is the tomb of the third Ming emperor, Chengzu. The main chamber, with 9 double-eave hip roofs, represents the pinnacle of the Chinese hierarchical system.

该坊造型端庄、工艺精湛,是典型的四柱三门三重檐五滴水三开间牌楼式青石仿木结构建筑,通高15米,面阔9.5米。It's a typical wood-like stone archway building with 15 meters high, 9.5 meters wide, There are four columns, three gates, three brims, five water dypasses, three openings in this archway.