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在物资分配模型方面。The model of Alot Material.

另有123吨物资通过海路运达。Another 123 tons arrived by sea.

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清仓物资,低价倾销。Dump clearance goods at low price.

还有一些救援物资将通过海上运输。And other aid shipments will go by sea.

飞机也正在空投补给物资。Supplies are also being dropped by air.

总的来说,其发生在后勤物资的护运任务中。Generally, it is happening in logistics.

军需官负责补给物资。The quartermaster is in charge of stores.

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他恳求更多的军队和物资。He's pleaded for more troops and matériel.

那才是我们想要的救援物资That's what we want somebody to send to us.

装着救援物资的船只甚至无处靠港。Ships carrying supplies have nowhere to dock.

由于太危险,空运物资被取消。Airlifts have been ruled out as too dangerous.

武广高速铁路物资采购系统。W·G Express Railway Procument Information System.

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救灾物资继续源源不断涌入受灾国。Aid continues to pour into the devastated country.

种质是育种的物资基础。Germplasm is the fundamental material of breeding.

队员分享所有的物资。The team menbers shared materials with each other.

这艘船载着数百吨救援物资。It arrived with hundreds of tonnes of aid supplies.

编制物资供应和采购计划。Programming material supplying and purchasing plan.

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我们的救援队昨天已经到达日本,我们运送的救灾物资也到达了日本。The Chinese rescue team arrived in Japan yesterday.

日本改用民用飞机运送物资。The material was sent by civilian aircraft instead.

这些物资还不够抵交全部贷款。These goods are not enough to offset the whole loan.