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他总是早上送报。He delivers the morning paper.

我是送报员汤姆。威尔逊。It's the newspaper boy—Tommy Wilson.

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送报的那个男孩子病了。The boy who delivers newspapers has been ill.

我骑一辆破旧不堪的自行车送报。I delivered my newspapers on an old dilapidated11 bicycle.

早晨送报的每个细节至今仍记忆犹新。Every little detail of those mornings is still clear to me.

我的儿子专跑一条送报路线。他总是早上送报。My son has a newspaper route. He delivers the morning paper.

没什么可以阻挡我或使我离开早晨的送报路线。Nothing could detain me or make me deviate from my morning route.

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他开始工作作为一个送报员和他的生活彻底改变。He starts working as a delivery boy and his life changes completely.

我还继续当业余送报员!小淳,我们加油干哪!I also continued when the amateur newsagent! Small sun, we go where!

如果你订阅晨报,会送报上门。If you subscribe to the morning paper, it’ll be delivered to your door.

送报员最后被救出,送往当地医院,目前情况稳定。The man was rushed to Weill-Cornell Hospital and is in stable condition.

他曾经在那里做过送报员,却又欣然地放弃了餐馆生意。He worked as a delivery boy there, but happily gave up the restaurant business.

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赚钱是巴菲特早期的兴趣,他卖过软饮料,当过送报员。Making money was an early interest for Buffett, who sold soft drinks and had a paper route.

她后来修过计算器,再后来又修理了她用送报挣的钱所买的一台计算机。She moved on to calculators and then to a computer she bought with money from her paper route.

从今天起,开始寻找服务过你的人,像你的邮递员,送报员.From today onwards, begin to find out the name of the people who serve you such as your postman and newsagent.

12岁那年,皮肯斯通过接收竞争对手的送报路线,使送报户数从28家迅速扩大接至156家。As a 12-year-old Pickens expanded his 28-house paper route to 156 by taking over the routes of his competitors.

日本有着上门送报的制度,因此发行量的下降幅度不像其他发达国家那样明显。The decline in circulation is not so sharp in Japan as in other developed countries, thanks to the home-delivery system.

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美国孩子从小就从事的送报等劳动,本身就是一种吃苦精神的磨炼。Children engaged in the delivery of newspapers from the United States and other labor itself is a spirit of hard work temper.

这段由福建广电集团录制,送报CCTV并由其播发的报道,在观众中引发了大规模的严厉批评。The footage, which was shot by a Fujian provincial media group and then sent to CCTV, has caused wide criticism from viewers.

当他试图从后门逃走的时候却发现自己溜进了一家书报亭,无意之中为农业周报当了一回送报人。However when attempting to break back out he spills over a magazine stand and unwittingly switches his magazines for Farmer's weekly!