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我赶快回头。I hastened back.


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可是,走吧——赶快!But go--make haste!

那么妈咪我们赶快吧。Let's hurry then Mammy.

你怎么还不赶快回家?Why don't you hie home?

我们赶快去一睹为快吧。Let's take a sneak peek.

还发呆,赶快去试车啦。Go to test-drive quickly.

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艾利乌说,“你们三个赶快爬上去。You three girls climb up.

他赶快算了算,咦!He quickly calculated, Hey!

把地板赶快给我擦干净。Clean the floors right away.

“赶快把钱给我。”德拉说。“Give me quick ,”said Della.

赶快去收集皮草吧。Go wild and get leathered up.

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艾库特赶快跑到她儿子的房间。Aykut raced to her son's room.

赶快,同志们在等着哩。Come on. Comrades are waiting.

但愿天气赶快放晴。If only it would clear up soon!

我们必须赶快将水汲出去。We must bail water out quickly.

我们赶快把月亮捞上来吧。We quickly pulled the moon Come.

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你会迟到的,如果不赶快的话。You’ll be late unless you hurry.

亲爱的,我们要赶快喊个水管工来!Honey? We need to call a plumber!

我们得赶快回到索拉斯。We must return to Solace quickly.