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他过着得过且过的日子。He lives in a shiftless way.

但所有人都变成了得过且过的宿命论者。But all had a sense of fatalism.

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我的人生充满了失败和坎坷可以说我是个得过且过的人。I can't say that I've been much of anything most of my life.

悲伤和悲伤相加,有时等于得过且过的温暖。Sum of grief and sadness, and sometimes equal and just warm.

一切都松松垮垮,墨守成规,得过且过,隐隐有些老百姓办事的味道。They would muddle on in the old slipshod way of trusting to chance.

在过去的几十年里,我们铺张浪费,得过且过。For the past few decades, we have been able to be wasteful and get by.

另一方面,得过且过是昂贵、危险而又令人沮丧的。On the other hand, just muddling along is expensive, dangerous, and depressing.

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第三种选择是得过且过,裁掉几个庸才,容忍其他的。The third option is to muddle through, shedding a few duds and tolerating the rest.

我不认为满足是一种美德,这只不过是得过且过者的伪装罢了。I don’t think contentment is much of a virtue — it’s more of a guise for mediocrity.

你们这些“得过且过”、没有脊梁骨的人,连破坏基础的勇气都没有。Those of you who "go along to get along" have no backbone and destroy the foundation of courage.

从美国的巴尔的摩到英国的布拉福德,那些能力一般但工资虚高的企业经理也不能再得过且过。Revoltingly fat pay packets for OK business managers from Baltimore to Bradford aren't OK either.

我的人生充满了失败和坎坷可以说我是个得过且过的人。I can't say that I've been much of anything most of my life. It's sorta like somewhere along the way.

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或许你的水准已经下降了,并且再也不以最好的作品出手,只求拿份工资得过且过。Perhaps your standards have fallen, and you've stopped giving your best and care to do only enough to get paid.

蔡尚君说,在生命被践踏,尊严被蹂躏,正义被抛弃,人性被毁灭之后,越来越多的人选择得过且过。Whenlife is trampled, dignity ravaged, justice abandoned and human nature ruined, more people choose to muddle along.

这句话老少相传,可谓工程智慧的真实写照,然而,“如果没有坏,就不要修复它”只会滋生得过且过的情绪。Often portrayed as longstanding engineering wisdom, "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" posture only promotes complacency.

“得过且过”是越来越多疲惫的年轻白领的生活信条,他们被称为“橡皮人”。"One day at a time" might be the motto for a growing group of fatigued young, white-collar Chinese known as plasticine men.

调查显示苏联人基本满意这种体制,在国有企业和农场中得过且过。Surveys show that Russians were basically content with the system, comfortable in the bosom of their state enterprise or state farm.

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现实生活中,一些干部缺乏历史责任感和使命感,于是对工作敷衍了事、得过且过。In the real life, some cadre lack the historical responsibility and the sense of mission, therefore scuffles to the work, muddles along.

同事李记者叮嘱他凡事得过且过,不要太认真,但记者的良心时时折磨着傅彬。Colleague plum reporter exhorts his everything drift along, not too serious, but the reporter's conscience is tormenting Fu Bin constantly.

他一方面依赖着女友李晓秋对他生活上的照顾,一方面宣称“独身主义”,在爱情道路上得过且过。LI Xiao-qiu his girlfriend on the one hand dependent on the care of his life, on the one hand declaring that "celibate" in love muddle along the road.