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色彩配合得很好。The colours match well.

折叠式配合关闭。Fold-up with tie closure.

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配合蒸气使用效果更佳。Recommanded to use with steamer.

跟您的家庭医生配合。Team up with your family doctor.

收购者也是这作风,尽管我们很配合。Acquirers too, while we're at it.

我希望大家多多配合Now I really want this to happen.

配合完成线长安排的其他工作。Other jobs arranged by line leader.

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我赞成要紧密配合学校的教育。I agree to work closely with schools.

配合硬件工程师进行调测。Work with hardware engineers to test.

玩家以自己为主,没有同伴配合。You have no partners but on your own.

配合蒸气使用效果更佳。Highly recommanded to use with steamer.

这哀泣那么配合她们的悲痛。Yet so they mourn becoming of their woe.

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然后把这个要点体现在两个配合游上。And then to try to add that to two strokes.

第五,协作者配合默契。Fifth , facilitators have a good cooperate.

热火打出了配合,而小牛祭出了防守。Miami ran plays and the Mavs played defense.

窗口入子不需要与脱板压配合。Windows must not be press fit into stripper.

胡老师不停地让我们记住要相互配合。Mr Hu kept on asking us to remember teamwork.

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带★的内容为必填项目,谢谢配合。The belt ★ content should be fill in, thanks.

新闻标题应该与新闻的语调相配合。A headline should match the tone of the story.

科学手艺是类配合发明地财富。State of art is to create the wealth together.