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象折纸手工?Like origami?

我喜欢做手工。I like handwork.

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一个手工削成的玩具船。Whittle a toy boat.

戴上手工缝制的假发。A hand-stitched wig.

手工缝口袋。Seamed hand pockets.

面料和手工都很好!Good material and handwork!

它实际上需要更多手工操作。It is more manual in nature.

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纯手工,做工不错的说!The pure handwork, well done!

手工刻花和机器缝制。Hand cut and machine stitched.

所有部件全为手工焊接。All the parts were hand-welded.

这双鞋子是手工制造的。This pair of shoes is hand-made.

白色手工缝制鳄鱼皮表带。White, hand-sewn alligator strap.

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刺绣或者其他的手工活Needlework or other craft projects

它们能被镶嵌或手工雕刻。They can be inlayed or hand-carved.

在炉火上手工箍制的桶。hooped by hand at the forge's fire.

这是手工制造的,价格很贵。It is hand-made and hence expensive.

这是手工制作的,传统瓷器。It's hand-made, traditional lacquer.

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这些字都是手工刻上去的。These words were all carved by hand.

它们是手工制造的还是批量生产的?Are these hand-made or mass-produced?

盖茨高背椅子上,手工雕刻。Gates head high back, carved by hand.