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最好的求职者从来不坐等其成,而是主动出击。The best jobseekers are and don't wait.

最好的求职者从来不坐等其成,而是主动出击。The best jobseekers are proactive and don’t wait.

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我们不能坐等令逸乐盗取我们的生命!We can't wait for the pleasure to steal our life!

然而,倘若市场表现强劲,卖家为何不该坐等呢?Yet if the market is strong, why shouldn't owners wait?

业余选手可以买看涨期权,并坐等自己的资金翻番。The amateur buys calls and sits back to watch his money double.

他还可以点回复,谢谢亲们,或是加关注,坐等亲们的更新。Then, he can reply to say thanks or follow their future updates.

言外之意,这就是说他们只是在坐等季后赛开打。In other words, it's a product of waiting around for the playoffs to start.

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华盛顿上演政府救助疲劳战,美国能坐等政府交接吗?Bail-out fatigue has hit Washington. Can the country wait for it to wear off?

一个有商业头脑的领导人不会坐等其同僚打开荷包。Even a commercially minded lender could not sit by as peers opened their wallets.

坐等软件变得“完美”只会推迟您猜错的坏消息。Waiting until the software is "perfect" only delays the bad news that you guessed wrong.

不过,让总统这样以逸待劳,坐等选举大战,那会更加危险。But that is too risky a bet to allow Mr Obama many restful nights between now and election day.

政治家们正在坐等美联储来将我们从目前的经济不景气中拯救出来。The politicians aresitting back and letting the Fed try to hoist us out of our current economichole.

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因此,他们总是倾向于坐等而耽误了决策,这会推迟决策,从而减慢项目的进程,浪费经费。So they tend to sit on them and delay decision making, which slows the project down and wastes money.

她表示,“学生不应只是坐等学校的帮助,而应自力更生。“Students shouldn’t just sit and wait for the school’s help. They need to be self-reliant, ” said Fang.

当谋杀和恐怖活动发生年的时候,警察更希望坐等罪犯自己露出马脚。When murders and terrorist attacks occur, the police perfer to wait for the criminal to give himself away.

从自行车出租自行车和轧辊沿市场街坐等着接一个城市的邮轮游客。Bikes for rent from Bike And Roll sit along Market Street waiting to take tourists on a cruise of the city.

他表示,尽管未来不可预测,但“政府不能只是坐等事件的发生”。Although the future is not predictable, “government can't just sit back and wait for it to happen”, he says.

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文彦博故意让李稷在客厅坐等,过了好长时间才出来接见他。Man Hikohiro deliberately Li Ji in the living room to wait, and have a good long time to come out to meet him.

在把所有项目列入国内生产总值之前,并没有坐等这笔钱刺激经济活动。None of this waiting around for the money to stimulate economic activity before anything gets recorded as GDP.

必须作出可以决定性解决欧洲问题的决定,不能坐等危机变得更加严重。Decisions as to how to conclusively address theregion's problems cannot wait until the crisis gets more severe.