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记住,坐式本身就会打开骶骨和髂骨之间的“锁”。Remember that sitting in and of itself "unlocks" the sacrum and the ilium.

整个髂骨和髋关节都可以通过本切口的髂骨部分到达。The entire ilium and hip joint can be reached through the iliac part of the incision.

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我们描述2微创技术用于办公室髂骨骨收获。We describe 2 minimally invasive techniques for in-office iliac crest bone harvesting.

行交锁钉、自体髂骨植骨治疗。The treatment were performed with undergoing interlocking nails and bone self-transplant.

最有效地治疗就是避免引起骶骨和髂骨分离的扭动。The most powerful healer is simply not to create the torque of sacrum and ilium moving apart.

用物理学方法对正常急死人之下颌骨、髂骨、颅骨和肋骨的抗破坏强度极限进行了测量比较。In this paper, we determined and compared the strength limits of mandible, ilium, skull and rib.

结论带血管髂骨皮瓣移植为修复前足缺损的理想方法。Conclusion Revascularized free ilium flap is effective and ideal in reconstructing forefoot defect.

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目的报告自体髂骨松质骨修复牙槽突裂的临床应用。Objective To report clinical application of iliac cancellous bone grafting in alveolar cleft repair.

其中用带血管蒂髂骨瓣修复9例,游离骼骨修复5例,游离肋骨修复5例.结果15例成功,4例失败。There were 9 cases repaired by iliac flap with vascular pedicle, 5 cases with free ilium. 5 with rib.

目的探讨应用髂骨移植在齿槽裂修复中的价值。Objective To investigate the value of iliac crest bone graft in reconstruction of alveolar bone cleft.

原因可能是骶骨相对于髂骨向前或向后脱位。This pain can be caused by the sacrum either slipping forward or backward in relationship to the ilium.

髂骨原发性恶性肿瘤传统的治疗是半骨盆截除。The traditional treatment for primary malignant tumors involving the innominate bone is hemi-pelvictomy.

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在芥子酶存在的情况下,萝卜硫素在消化系统的第一部分—髂骨中释放。If myrosinase is present, sulforaphane is released in the ilium, the first part of your digestive system.

阔筋膜张肌起点前面的一部分从髂骨上骨膜下剥离。Part of the anterior aspect of the origin of the tensor fascia is subperiosteally stripped from the ilium.

方法设计制作骨盆支撑内固定钉,行小儿麻痹后遗症下肢短缩畸形,髂骨截骨延长术内固定32例。Methods 32 cases of polio sequela were treated by internal fixation with self designed pelvic strut nailing.

有力的韧带将骶髂关节紧紧包裹,防止骶骨从髂骨中脱出。Strong ligaments hold the SI joints together to prevent the sacrum from tipping forward between the ilium bones.

方法对51例脊髓型颈椎病患者采用前路减压、取自体髂骨植骨和颈椎带锁钛板内固定治疗。Methods 51 cases of CSM were treated with anterior decompression, iliac crest autograft and locking titanium plate.

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以骨生成为目的时,大多使用取自髂骨的薄皮质骨和松质骨,而非厚皮质骨。For osteogenesis the thick cortical graft has largely been replaced by thin cortical and cancellous bone from the ilium.

目的研究自体髂骨义眼座植入的手术方法,评估其临床效果。Objective To explore the operation of the self- ilium orbital implant and evaluate the clinical effect of the operation.

将取自髂骨的植骨块植入C1,2椎板间隙,夹紧连接杆完成固定。The iliac bone graft was inserted into the space of C1 and C2, the connecting rod of the clamp was compressed and fixed.