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火产生热。A fire generates heat.

负罪感就这样产生了。Then the guilt sets in.

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子表达式产生的资源却不在其中。sub-expression are not.

我对刺绣产生了兴趣。I'm into the embroidery.

它产生了共和主义。It led to Republicanism.

这产生一个悖论。This presents a paradox.

但是这里产生了冗余。But here there's overlap.

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但确实产生了某种力But it exerts some force.

怎样产生,又怎样滋养?How begot, how nourished?

这里是生理功能产生。Over here we've got body.

我们也产生中子。We also produce neutrons.

她知道李相花会对她产生威胁。She knew Lee was a threat.

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为什么会产生恐惧感呢?Why would fear come along?

鼻癌是怎样产生的?。How does nose cancer arise?

使其在他们思想上产生影响。Let it work in their minds.

电子的运动产生了电流。The movement of the elec '.

那么罪恶又是怎样产生的呢?Then how can there be evil?

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产业链上游能够产生巨大的利润。Big profits happen upstream.

人多产生的废物就多。More people make more waste.

防止产生抽吸作用。Prevent the swabbing effect.