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这声音虽然极低,却很耳熟。The voice was low, yet familiar.

这一切怎么听起来这么耳熟?Why does this sound so familiar?

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德雷尔的一些顾虑听起来很耳熟。Some of Mr. Dreher's worries sound familiar.

韦奇伍德的名字听起来挺耳熟吧?If the Wedgwood name sounds familiar it should.

这些耳熟的话说得正是这种情况。These known sayings fit well in these situations.

等下,这一切怎么听起来那么耳熟呢?Wait a second. This all sounds familiar doesn’t it?

将成本从个体的腰包转移到大家的腰包——听起来耳熟吗?Pushing costs from private pockets to the public purse -- does that sound familiar?

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王子听到有说话的声音,而且觉得那声音很耳熟,便朝那里走去。Prince hear voices, but also felt that the voice was familiar, he walked towards there.

我当时并未注意她们的脸庞,但其中一个人的声音听起来很耳熟。I wasn't paying attention to their faces, but one of the voices sounded so familiar to me.

听起来有点耳熟是么,那是因为我们在上个月的声明说过几乎完全一样的话。If all this sounds familiar, it's because we said almost exactly the same thing in our statement last month.

你说什么“听起来耳熟”,因为你无法将连贯的句子组合的足够长以表达你的意思。Nothing you say "sounds familiar, " because you can't string together one coherent sentence long enough to make sense.

同时他限定总统连任不超过两届,这话听起来好像也很耳熟。Other constitutional changes included setting a two-term limit on the presidency, which seems to ring a bell from somewhere, too.

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吐温的写作正值在美国军队远征国外,以及商业世界乱象丛生的时候,听起来耳熟么?He was also writing during a time of American military expeditions abroad and criminal malfeasance in the business world — sound familiar?

听起来有点耳熟是么,那是因为我们在上个月的声明说过几乎完全一样的话。更多细节,参见那篇声明。If all this sounds familiar, it's because we said almost exactly the same thing in our statement last month. For more details, see that statement.

听声音非常耳熟,汪宇心里“咯噔”一下,原来这位不速之客正是杨倩刚刚分手一天的男朋友龙天傲。Hear voice special familiar to the ear, in bark eaves heart " click " one, so this crasher is Yang Qian just parts company day of boy friend dragon is proud.

然而在古代,则很耳熟,因为还有其他人,传授知识,治疗百姓,驱魔,创造奇迹的故事。In the ancient world,actually,it would've sounded familiar, because there are other stories of other kinds of teachers who'd healed and exorcised demons and performed miracles.

但这个小插曲有点耳熟,空头们今后会发现,他们的生意又有指望了,再次对管理者们唱起赞歌————直到下次股价大跌,推卸责任的把戏再次上演。But the episode has a familiar ring. Once again short-sellers have found that their business is permitted and even lauded by regulators—until prices fall and the blame game begins.