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我不信任血检检测。I don't trust it.

一个发情检测工具。A heat detection tool.

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未检测到散热器。Heatsink was not detected.

谁来检测蛋制品?Who Inspects Egg Products?

无线电波可以检测的到。Radio waves can be detected.

什么是偏差检测?What is deviation detection?

没有检测到软碟机。No floppy drive was detected.

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要谈我们可以检测到的。Talk about what we can detect.

用传感器检测粉尘量。Sensors monitor the dust levels.

他伸手在门上检测然后门开了。He palmed the door and it opened.

未检测到M4突变等位基因。The M4 alleles were not detected.

输入信号自动检测功能。Input signal auto-detect function.

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没有收音机可以检测到数字。There's no radio for the number 3.

一个更好的血糖检测指标。A better index of overall glycemia.

卵黄抗体热稳定性检测。Detection of IgY thermal stability.

我们要在沃尔玛设检测点么?Should we have testing in Wal-Mart?

Monolight的内存泄露检测工具A memory leak detector for Moonlight

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双排插针,折弯,检测。Double row pin loader, bender, test.

可以用来加热大肠镜检测仪器。Warm up the colonoscopy instruments.

但是无线电波呢?是可以检测的。But radio waves? They are detectable.