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可是到了这龙门古镇。But here in this ancient town, Longmen.

龙门人都是非常热情的。Longmen's villagers are very warmhearted.

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希望龙门放入位置上的网站?Want gantries placed into position on site?

这也许就是我很喜欢龙门的原因。It may be why Longmen is so attractive to me.

来到了龙门石窟,就算是西山的山顶了。Longmen Grottoes is the peak of Western Hills.

他是龙门孙氏孙权后裔的五十五世。He is the 55th generation descendant of Sun Quan.

采用无底架龙门式结构。Adopt the gantry structure which have no Underbed.

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这是一种叫做轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机。This is called a rubber-tyred container gantry crane.

隋唐以后的龙门石窟才出现。After the Sui and Tang Dynasties Longmen Grottoes only.

河南省龙门石窟是世界文化遗产。The Longmen Grottoes are cultural heritage in the world.

三轴防尘。龙门式移动,床身整体铸造。Three axises are dustproof, the lathe bed is cast wholly.

吃过午餐后,我走马观花地参观了龙门石窟。After lunch, I managed a brief visit to the Longmen Grottoes.

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系列全自动龙门直线挂镀生产线。HKD-Series Fully Automatic Annular Vertical-Lift Plating Line.

此超声波清洗机采用龙门多臂机械输送方式,运行快捷。Adopt the gantry multi-armed mechanically deferent manners, run fast.

可是到了这龙门古镇,我还是得依靠她。But here in this ancient town, Longmen, I still have to rely one her.

龙门锯床进锯机构采用三相桥式全控整流电路直流调速系统。DC speed adjusting system is used in feeding mechanism of gantry saw.

龙门温泉是您休闲度假的最佳选择!Your Best Choice for Vacation and Leisure Taking– Longmen Hot Spring!

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龙门式设计,少占地面空间,便于车辆进出。Gantry design, save the space, convenient for vehicles drive -in or back out.

路洞石窟降魔变是龙门石窟唯一的一铺。The story of vanquishing demons in Ludong is the only one in Longmen Grottoes.

造船龙门起重机结构型式分为单梁和双梁。The structure of shipbuilding gantry crane has single and double girder types.