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就像影子落在墙上的柔姿。Like the shadows on the wall.

声誉是良习的影子。Glory is the shadow of virtue.

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影子在墙上闪动不定。Shadows flickered on the wall.

留一个影子在心湖里。Embedding a shadow in my heart.

父皇,这就是那个影子吗?Father, can this be the Shadow?

把花和它的影子连起来。Match the flowers to its shadow.

轻雾流年的影子。The shadows of misty yesteryears.

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就好像光线投下影子。It is like light casting a shadow.

把你的影子投放在日规上。Lay your shadows over the sundial.

没有影子。The obstacles did not cast a shadow.

看看吧,你只是我妻子的一个影子。Youare just a shade of my real wife.

从镜子里剥下自己的影子。peel your own image from the mirror.

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他的影子随着太阳西沉而逐渐拉长。Her shadow lengthened as the sun set.

这四个影子,便是那四个人了。These four shadows were the four men.

湛蓝的天空中,连一片云的影子都看不见。Blue sky, a cloud shadow is invisible.

当你孤单时,我就是你的影子陪在你身边。If you are alone, i'll be your shadow.

垂柳的影子倒映在湖面上。The willow's shadow falls on the lake.

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归根结底,就象蜡烛光的影子。Wavers, a candle's shadow, at the end.

但我看到地上的影子一伸一缩地跳,知道我有点滑稽。I know it from the jiggle of my shadow.

事实上,他所盯着的是他的影子而已。In fact, what he looking is his shadow.