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扎瓦希里宣称他的前战友是被屈打成招的。Zawahiri has alleged that his former comrade was tortured into recanting.

而护士们否认这些控告并说她们是被屈打成招。The nurses denied the charges and said they were tortured into confessing.

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许多医生和护士声称他们被屈打成招。Many of the doctors and nurses say they were tortured into making confessions.

而护士们否认这些控告并说她们是被屈打成招。The nurses denied the charges and said they had been tortured into confessing.

“数据如果被折磨够久的话也会屈打成招,”统计师此言妙哉。“Torture the data long enough and they will confess to anything, ” statisticians quip.

他被警方屈打成招,当这条新闻向大众公开的时候,全国都震惊了。He was tortured by police in order to extort a guilty confession and when news of this was made public, it astounded the entire country.

因参加反政府抗议活动而在巴林接受审判的医生的家属说,他们被屈打成招。The families of a group of doctors on trial in Bahrain for taking part in anti-government protests say they've been tortured into making false confessions.

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但为了掩盖行迹,伊朗政府对Ashtian的律师施以流放的恐吓,并广播了Ashtiani承认谋杀罪名的过程,当然,这都是屈打成招的。In an effort to cover its tracks, the regime then terrorised Ashtiani's lawyer into exile and broadcast a murder confession by Ashtiani, almost certainly secured through torture.

2001年12月,一名叫阿龙·帕特森的死刑犯声称自己的供词系屈打成招,当年负责办案的芝加哥警察在审讯时殴打他,并用塑料打字机罩使他窒息。In December 2001, a man on the death row , Alon Patterson, claimed that his confession was forced due to torture by Chicago police, who used a plastic typewriter cover to suffocate him.

这是一个悲剧,讲的是一个寡妇被诬告杀人,屈打成招后被处极刑,然而在最后一幕中她阴魂出现,洗清了不白之冤。It is a tragic piece about a widow who is falsely accused of murder and is executed following a forced confession, but whose name is cleared in the final act when she reappears in a ghostly form.

这起对医生的判决在国际上引起反对,许多医生和护士声称被屈打成招,国际特赦组织认为这些指控很荒谬。The sentencing of the medics prompted an international outcry. Many of the doctors and nurses say they were tortured into making confessions. Amnesty International said the charges were ludicrous.