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换句话说,越来越多的英国孩子得了软骨病。In other words, they’ve got rickets.

软骨病是主要发生在儿童群体中的身体畸形。Rickets is a deformity mainly found in children.

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补钙是一种防止软骨病表示。A calcium supplement is indicated to prevent osteomalacia.

一个几乎相同的条件下,在成年人是所谓的软骨病。An almost identical condition in adults is called osteomalacia.

低水平的维他命D能导致像软骨病和骨质酥松症等疾病。Low level levels of vitamin D can lead to rickets and osteoporosis.

缺乏某种维生素可引起佝偻病,软骨病,或糙皮病。A deficiency or lack of certain vitamins can cause rickets scurvy or pellagra.

维他命可利于治疗一些疾病,如坏血病,眼痛,脚气病和软骨病等。Vitamins contribute in some way to such diseases as scurvy, sore eyes, beriberi and rickets.

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结论由此我们认为微波疗法是治疗髌骨软骨病的有效方法。Comdusion We consider this therapy is a effective method for treatment of chondromalacia patellae.

维他命D低水平可以导致像软骨病一样的病,这种畸形病主要在儿童中比较常见。Low levels of vitamin D can lead to problems such as rickets , a deformity mainly found in children.

根据临床表现发现脊椎骨骺骨软骨病,并由脊柱侧位片证实。Scheuermann disease was detected clinically and was documented with lateral radiograph of spinal column.

骨软骨病,也可出现深层软骨的裂缝或囊肿。Osteochondrosis can also present as cracks in the cartilage and cysts in the underlying subchondral bone.

“行政软骨病”贻害无穷,我们要引起足够的重视。We should attach more importance to "administrative rickets" because it is greatly harmful for our society.

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现在在西方国家软骨病已经很少见了,但在发展中国家却仍是一种常见的儿童病。Rickets is now rare in the western world. But it is still a common childhood disease in developing countries.

胫骨结节抬高术治疗髌股软骨病机理的研究?The mechanism study of anterior tibial tubercle advancement in the treatment of condromalacia patellofemoral joint?

有骨软骨病的这些马如果不及时进行治疗,可能随着它们年龄的增长而较其他的马更有危险患上骨性关节炎。These horses may be at more risk for developing osteoarthritis as they age if the osteochondrosis lesions are not treated.

儿童常常游泳,则会促使骨骼钙化,能有效地防止佝偻病和软骨病的发生。Children often swim, it will promote bone calcification, can effectively prevent the occurrence of rickets and osteomalacia.

虽然任何马都可能患骨软骨病,但它最常见于增长迅速,成体高度超过15掌的马。While any horse can get OC, it is most frequently seen in horses that grow rapidly and have a mature height of over 15 hands.

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以儿童来说,缺少维生素D分子会引起软骨病,导致骨骼软化乃至于变形或容易骨折。In children, a lack of the vitamin D molecule causes rickets , which softens the bones and causes them to deform or break easily.

另外它还能预防软骨病,在牛奶中添加了维他命D就是为了预防这种疾病。And it appears to do more than just protect against rickets . That serious bone disease was the reason vitamin D was added to milk.

凝血异常可导致男性股骨头骨骺骨软骨病的患病率增加,对于女性则无影响。The risk of Legg-Calv´e-Perthes disease increased with an increasing number of coagulation abnormalities in males but not in females.