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人品还是样子容貌啊?Person'sity or looks?

这个疤痕有损于他的容貌。The scar mars his face.

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她的容貌在火灾中被严重毁坏。She was badly disfigured in the fire.

这姐妹俩容貌极相像。The two sisters are as like as two peas.

母亲给予了爸爸她的特别容貌之一.Mother gave dad one of her special looks.

这对双生子的容貌几乎完全相同。The twins were almost identical in looks.

宽沿帽衬托出那女孩美丽的容貌。A large hat framed the girl's pretty face.

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大眼睛是她容貌最显著的特点。Her big eyes are her most striking feature.

高鼻梁是她容貌最显著的特点。Her high nose are her most striking feature.

一阵眉开眼笑的喜色好象改变了老人的容貌。A wonderful joy had transfigured this old man.

现实生活中的汨罗江是什么样子容貌?In real life the Miluo River in what look like ?

像我这样一个被遗弃的人,还有谁在乎她的容貌啊!Who cares about the looks of a castaway like me!

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人人都爱听夸奖自己容貌的话。One likes to hear compliments on one's appearance.

华丽的衣服并不能掩盖这个女孩的寻常容貌。Fine clothes could not conceal the girl's homeliness.

凯尔的容貌和她姐姐十分相像。Kehr bears a strong facial resemblance to her sister.

从丢失人员档案中查她的容貌特征。Look up her description in the missing persons' file.

用画笔描绘你的容貌,用梦去铭记你的脸。Paint your face, use the dream to remember your face.

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围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌。She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage.

吸烟如何改变我们的容貌和生活Surprising ways smoking affectes your looks and life.

随着时间的推移,他的容貌在我的脑子里变得越来越模糊。As time passed,his facial features receded from my mind.