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资产评估报告和验资报告。Asset appraisal report and capital verification report.

开办时的验资报告或者有关证明文件。Capital Verification Report at start-up or other relevant documentary evidence at its start-up.

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验资报告应当以文字报告的形式确切地表述验证的内容。The capital verification report shall clearly express the contents verified in a word report form.

本公司同意按验资业务约定书规定的用途利用验资报告。The company undertakes the verification business USES complying prescribed capital verification report.

苏州工商注册、咨询、验资一条龙服务苏州博众企业管理有限公司专业做代理记账,报税。Suzhou Bozhong Enterprise Management Corporation. we have the expertise on wide extent of service items.

因此,明确专家职业义务的定义以及认定在虚假验资诉讼中有重要的意义。Therefore, definition and judgment of professional duties prove to be of great significance in false capital verification.

本公司及全体股东对所提供验资资料的真实性、合法性和完整性负责。The company and all the shareholders to supply of capital verification material authenticity, legitimacy and integrity responsible.

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因使用不当造成的后果,与执行本验资业务的注册会计师及事务所无关。Any result caused by improper usage of this report is irrelevant to the CPAs and accounting firm carrying out this capital verification.

第十九条、合资各当事者投入的出资额,由经过中国政府认定的中国注册会计师验证,发行验资报告后,公司以此为根据提交出资证明。Article 19 Some Chinese CPA shall validate the paid-in capital, issue a report on the basis of which the company will provide a certificate.

公司聘请的中国注册会计师应就每笔出资出具验资报告。Chinese certified public accountant retained by the Company shall issue a capital verification report with regard to each capital contribution.

总经理应将所有验资报告和已发给双方的所有出资证明书副本归档保存。The General Manager shall maintain a file of all capital verification reports and copies of all investment certificates that have been issued to the Parties.

协助联系相关的中介咨询服务,如法律咨询,验资,财务审计,环境评估,资产评估等。Offer assistance for related consulting service, such as legal consultation, financial inspection, financial audit, environmental assessment and asset evaluation, etc.

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中普信华的业务范围包括了审计、验资、咨询服务、税务、工程造价、工商代理、培训等诸多中介服务领域。The operations of ZPXH includes in auditing, verifying capital, advisory service, tax consulting and planning, project cost , surrogates, training and other medi-services.

外商投资企业向银行申请资本金结汇,事先应当经会计师事务所办理资本金验资。I. Where a foreign-funded enterprise applies to a bank for settlement of foreign currency capital, it shall, in advance, handle the capital verification in an accounting firm.

验资报告须由注册会计师签字或者盖章、会计师事务所或者审计事务所加盖公章后方为有效。The capital verification report must be signed or sealed by certified public accountants, and sealed by a certified public accountant firm or an auditor firm and shall be valid.

注册会计师应否承担法律责任应从民事法律的归责原则、因果关系、注册会计师验资业务本身等方面考虑。Whether registered accountants should be responsible or not should consider the factors such as whose responsibility it is, causes and results , the work of registered accountants.

在分析了公司设立失败主要原因后简述公司发起人法律概念并描述公司发起人与设立中公司关系以及验资机构法律地位。In the last, this paper describes the relationship of between the initiators and company in the process of company establishment, and legal position of capital verification institution.

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强制验资制度是一项独具中国特色的法律制度,它以我国的法定资本制为基础,以保护债权人利益为其制度价值。The compulsive institution of asset accreditation is of Chinese characteristics, which takes the statutory capital system as its basis, and its value aims at protecting creditor's interest.