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我只是照实说而已。Just being practical.

这是你说的,我能照实报道吗?Can I quote you on that?

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照实说吧,我都能接受。Give it to me straight. I can take it.

你怎敢这样说?我只是照实说而已。How dare you say so?Just being practical.

如果你想使你们俩的约会成为排他性的,也要照实说。If you want it to be exclusive, then say so.

法官问你问题时,你要照实回答。Answer up when the judge asks you a question.

如果对方不同意你的看法他会照实说的。If your host disagrees with you, he will say so.

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您的意见我们一定照实向上反映。We'll report your opinions to our superior accordingly.

如果是为了更好的待遇,可以照实说。If you're looking for better benefits, just tell the truth.

对于这份对话,我会完整的照实记录,绝不删改你说的话,这是我的承诺。My commitment to this conversation is to produce a faithful

编瞎话是不会为你挽回面子的。照实说吧。You can't save face by making up lies. Just tell the truth.

我得谢谢你照实话说,而不诽谤我,即使是在说笑话!I'd thank you to adhere to the truth and not slander me, even in joke!

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你没必要照实答复你的弱点,由于那有可能让你得不到这份事务。You shouldnhat answer by telling your gregotst weakness since you might not get the job!

你没必要照实回复你的弱点,由于那有可能让你得不到这份职责。You shouldnhat answer by telling your gredinedst weakness since you might not get the job!

我过走不晓得,但是就算这样,假如我正在雄布一条消息,那么我就会照实走做。I wasn't to know that, but even so, if I'm giving a message to put out, then I would do so.

你没必要照实答复你的弱点,由于那有可能让你得不到这份事业。You shouldn't answer by telling your greingestedst weakness since you might not get the job!

本谨声明已完全照实回答本申请表的所有问题。I declare that I have answered all required questions in this application fully and truthfully.

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拉拉的婶婶打电话叫回金刚山,问起孙子妈妈的状况,金刚山照实答复。Lesbian aunt call back to mount kumgang, asked about the condition, mount kumgang grandson mother ZhaoShi reply.

他们很可能会极力制定适当的作事路程,但是却很难照实举行。They may be trying very hard to set a proper work schedule but it will be very difficult to follow that routine.

汤名扬依照飞行管理条例,照实向团里作了汇报。In accordance with the regulations on the administration of ShangMingYang flight, the group to report it like it is.