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基金落袋,恰似神仙。Fund pocket, like the gods.

恰似太阳在我心里放射。That lightens over the heart.

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我的青春恰似一层薄霜。My prime of youth is but a frost of cares.

它奔驰如电,恰似一道朦胧的黑影。It ran like a streak, just a blur of black.

“人体恰似一部机器,”他说。"Human bodies are just a machine, " he says.

恰似一江春水向东流句号。Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!

这就是我美丽的家乡,恰似天上人间。This is my beautiful home, like the sky world.

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暗影涌动,恰似潮汐,奔向光之海岸。Like the tide, shadows flow towards the shore of light.

对于美国来说,一直以来,种族关系恰似如鲠在喉。Race relations in the US continue to be a thorny problem.

通体施黄红釉,釉线自然,恰似汗血。Red and yellow glaze, natural glaze line, like the Han Xue.

然而,在这里取得一个胜利的结果恰似乌托邦似的幻景。To get a result here and win the game would have been utopia.

好恰似衣柜里拿出新毯子把它抖开。She took the new blanket out of the wardrobe and shook it out.

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恰似结束漫漫长夜禁锢的欢畅黎明。It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long light of captivity.

一个未圆的梦恰似一封未拆的信。A dream that is not interpreted is like a letter that is not opened.

苹果树炫耀着女帽饰带般的枝条,恰似绸缎,乳白中点缀着。The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged.

她的眼睛很蓝,像极了海水的颜色,而她的牙齿恰似排列整齐的珍珠。Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and teeth like an even row of pearls.

一只竖立着的黑啤酒瓶半埋在瓷实得恰似揉就的生面团的沙子里。A porter-bottle stood up, stogged to its waist, in the cakey sand dough.

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“八卦”恰似中国现代发明的一套有意味意思的标记。The Eight Trigrams are a set of symbolic signs created in ancient China.

苏堤、白堤恰似两条葱绿呆在湖面上飘动。Su Dike and Bai Dike are undulating on the lake like two verdant ribbons.

到夜间,楼阁上彩灯通明,又恰似一只闪闪发光的金凤凰。To night, pavilions on the lantern brilliance, like a glittering gold Phoenix.