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这个传言四处散播。And it's been passed around.

他们到处暗中散播谣言。They buzzed rumours everywhere.

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你又在散播谣言吗?Are you spreading rumours again?

他到处散播谣言。He buzzed the rumour everywhere.

她是个向周围散播快乐的女人。She is a woman who sheds happiness around her.

我拒绝控告导火索散播混乱。I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.

关于他的爱情生活,他们散播了许多不堪的闲言闲语。They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life.

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他说,好的,我还是要散播我的故事。He says, "Well, I'm going to still distribute my story.

不好的想法散播懒惰,拖沓等等。Malefic thoughts spread laziness, procrastination, etc.

于是他开始散播谣言,说自己是神。So he starts spreading rumors that he is divine himself.

关于这些关于有人散播谣言被称为有污点的竞争。Spreading lies about someone is called a smear campaign.

我们将这些时刻散播到世界的其他角落。We broadcast these moments out to the rest of the world.

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沙门氏菌的散播比平常所了解的更为广泛。Salmonellae are more widespread than is commonly comprehended.

他到处散播着谣言中伤小森,并远远地把他卖去了伯明翰。He spread rumors of Senderos everywhere, and sold him to Birmingham.

不要再散播这些谎言了,也不要再玷污我们造物主的美名了。Stop spreading these lies and sullying the good name of our creator.

暴乱的火种不仅仅是由暴乱者自己散播的。The flames of a riot aren’t fanned merely by the rioters themselves.

不要相信诋毁别人的谣言,不要散播谣言。Don't fall for damaging rumors, and refuse to get involved in gossip.

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此类散播恐惧的言行很大程度上由西方对进步的反感所推动。Much of this fear-mongering is driven by western distaste for progress.

我看见耕种邪恶散播毒种的人,他们都收割邪恶的后果。As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.

他说,中国不想散播极端反美意识。China, he said, was not trying to spread radical anti-American ideologies.