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一石激起千层波的网络事件屡屡发生。There has Melaleuca wave of network events to occur.

有了团队精神,屡屡得分便不在话下了。If there's spirit, the scoreboard takes care of itself.

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他说他多次尽力戒烟,但屡屡告败。He said he had tried to quit several times but always failed.

爱玛现在想象得出,为什么她的关心屡屡受到轻慢。Emma could now imagine why her own attentions had been slighted.

被人记在心里是甜蜜的,但是被人遗忘却屡屡可免破财之烦。It's sweet to be remembered, but it's often cheaper to be forgotten.

以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追,而且屡屡望着我的影子猛猛狂吠。From then on, I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer.

陆游后期诗歌作品中屡屡出现“饭牛”意象。An image of "feed cattles" appeared frequently in Lu Yous later poems.

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或许我真的很不争气,屡屡让她失望吧。Perhaps I really do not disappointing, it has repeatedly let her down.

成功就是屡屡失败却不失热情。Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiam.

冰填充伊卢峡湾附近的格陵兰却屡屡出现在2009年7月3日。An ice-filled fjord near Ilulissat in Greenland is seen on July 3, 2009.

工作中屡屡听到旅客地谢语,老是心里非常欢愉地。Work often hear the words to thank the visitors, always feel very happy.

屡屡的灰烟飘荡在上空指向工厂的方向。Tell-tale wisps of grey smoke rise above the tree cover to point the way.

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接着便是屡屡炊烟,缭绕空际,人欢马叫,汽笛长鸣,酣睡了一夜的大地苏醒了。The great earth has come to herself from a full night's lethargic slumber!

他屡屡率领他的球队登上巅峰,从未输过一场比赛。He had always managed to lead his team to victory and had never lost a game.

白色和象牙白屡屡出现,几乎是来自新娘装的灵感。Whites and ivories made several appearances, almost in a bridal inspired way.

她几次挣扎欲寻求新的情感依靠,却屡屡陷入更深的痛苦之中。She wanted to find the new companion again and again, but plunged into distress.

他屡屡失败,但从未放弃过继续写小说的念头。Balzac failures never faltered his drive to continue to write novels and novelettes.

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所以屡屡碰见奇异的事他都情愿找我来分享他探奇的高兴。So often meet strange things he is willing to seek me to share his agent"s happiness."

另外。往常会员迟到的现象屡屡发生,我们应该对迟到这种现象定个惩戒规则。Also, since ppl always late for gathering, we should hold some rules for those late ppl.

士兵们被绑架的事件屡屡发生,甚至有报道说有的部队已经集体投向塔里班。Soldiers have been kidnapped and there are even reports of troops going over to Taliban.