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当然,这些措施并不能扫清道路上的障碍。Still, those measures may not unclog roads.

他派遣三排去扫清道路。He detailed the third platoon to clear a path.

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但即使有些障碍已经被扫清,新的障碍还会涌现。But even as some obstacles are removed, new ones spring up.

中国人有责任扫清误传。Chinese have responsibility to clear away the misinformation.

他的论点之一完全扫清了他人的前车之鉴。One of the voices utterly mops the floor with all of the others.

这项技术将扫清众多创新应用发展道路上的障碍。That could clear the way for a wide range of innovative applications.

既要扫清限制因素,又要代之以调动积极性的推动因素。You must remove restraints and replace them with drivers of motivation.

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扫清那些阻碍生产力和威胁你团队的不利因素。Remove the tripwires that are limiting productivity and threatening your team.

只有把这些封印一个一个全部打开你才能扫清通往最后战斗的道路。Only by opening each of these seals can you clear your way to the final battle.

我们要以彻底扫清积垢的精神反对腐败。We need the courage of cleansing the Augean stable to fight against corruption.

如果我们抱着扫清障碍的目的研究这些陷阱,就一定会免受一些痛苦。If we study the traps with intent to steer clear, surely we save ourselves some pain.

这种改动可能暗示金正日也许在为自己未来的接班人扫清道路。Such changes could suggest Kim Jong Il may be clearing the way for a future successor.

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该法庭的决定是最终的,并为总统就职仪式扫清了障碍。The court's decision is final and clears the way for the president's election and inauguration.

拆掉现有的建筑物来为新一轮建设扫清障碍,这是城市规划的惯例。Razing existing structures to prepare for new development is standard practice in urban planning.

最终DNA测试的结果证明了她的身份,为她返回加拿大扫清了道路。The results of a DNA test finally proved her identity, clearing the way for her return to Canada.

两人各击败过对方一次,所以这一次将是一个扫清所有疑惑的机会。Both fighters have beaten each other one time, so this would be the rubber match to end all doubt.

需要更具创新性的手段从而应对社会难题和为进步扫清道路。More innovative approaches are required to tackle social conundrums and to clear paths for progress.

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南都把自己的防守,争夺对Aspin扫清道路,克林顿的首选。Nunn took himself out of contention for Defense, clearing the way for Aspin, Clinton's first choice.

这些国王和女王们,扫清障碍以巩固王位What these kings do, these kings and queens is they get rid of these impediments to their authority.

州政府官员称法庭判决为宣布该地区楼房为危房的行动扫清了道路。State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.