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招工形势非常严峻。The situation is most severe.

他们会张贴招工信息,你自己去那儿看,They will post jobs and you can look on there

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在清溪镇,企业不能再像以前那样,在招工中挑挑拣拣。So companies here can no longer pick and choose among workers.

读下面的招工广告。然后比较你的两个同学,决定哪一个同学更适。Read the job ad. Then compare two of your classmates. Decide which.

丈夫则多订阅一份报纸为了能圈下上面的招工广告。He bought a second copy of the newspaper so he could circle employment ads.

请问,我看到门外的招工牌要招一名清洁工,还缺人吗?Excuse me, please. I saw a vacancy board outside for a cleaner. Is it still available?

有些雇主根本就承受不起唯一长久“上岗过程”或者招工失误。Some employers simply can't afford a long onboarding or hiring misget, simple as those.

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这篇论文探究了1950年到2003年间,最低收入对招工的影响。This paper explores the impact of the minimum wage on enrollments between 1950 and 2003.

所以当这个农场主招工面试时,收到的是一连串坚定的拒绝。As the farmer interviewed applicants for the job, he received a steady stream of refusals.

实际上,许多人都是通过查看招工陈列牌上的职位空缺找到工作的。Actually, many jobs are filled by people who select vacancies from the display boards there.

南下打工,似乎是求学无路招工无门的人的惟一出路。South to work, school trackless recruitment seems to be the only way people can go nowhere else.

他们发现联邦支出增加会减少企业在这些地区的招工人数和投资。They found that federal spending increases dampened corporate hiring and investment in those districts.

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巴贝拉推测,联邦政府数据低估了招工形势。Mr. Barbera speculates that the quirks of federal data collection have understated the strength of hiring.

为了得到一份工作,好多人由于受自身教育程度的限制,被招工单位所蔑视。With transcripts needed to obtain a job, many people will be looked down upon because of their education status.

我被调任到长岛,一个不论是选址还是招工都是错误的分公司。I was assigned to Long Island—an area where the company had made mistakes in choosing both locations and operators.

说起招工,李启才更愿意找那些身体佳、有耐心、态度又好的人,除此之外,并没有什么硬性标准。While a good build, patience and a good attitude are what he prefers in employees, he has no hard-and fast-hiring criteria.

村贵们变成了工厂主和贪得无厌的资本家。他们招工人当作仅仅是劳工契约中的卒子。Village nobles, become factory owners, turned into greedy capitalists who saw their workers as mere pawns in a labor contract.

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有的企业开出每招一人一二百元的介绍费以广招工人。Enterprise out of the introduction to one person, one hundred or two hundred dollars each enrollment fee to wide public workers.

更离奇的是,一则钢铁工业的招工广告主角竟然是穿着紧身裤的长发吉他手大喊着“动感金属!On the more offbeat side, an ad for the steel industry features a long-haired guitarist in spandex pants shouting, “Metal rocks!”

招工困难,用工不稳定,用工成本高也是企业不敢接长单、大单的重要原因。Recruitment difficulties, employment instability, high labor costs are also enterprises not long single, big list of important reasons.