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空气里有漆树、橙树和桉树的味道。There was the smell of sumac, orange and eucalyptus.

毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.

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在中国的南方生长着一种叫叫“漆树”的植物。In South China there is a plant called "lacquer tree".

漆树全被剥光了,只剩下红色的浆果。The sumach is stripped of everything but its cone of red berries.

核桃小木主产湘西南雪峰山系漆树区,能在低山、丘陵平原区栽植。It can also be planted in the low lands, hilly countries and plains.

例如,枫树变得通红,漆树树木变深红色。For example, maple trees turn bright red, and sumac trees turn dark red.

漆树的树汁可以用来造漆,因此漆树老是有被割的遭遇。The sap of varnish tree can be use to make lacquer so it is cut all the time.

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本文叙述了漆树茎次生韧皮部各组成分子的超微结构。The ultrastructure of the secondary phloem of Rhus verniciflua Stokes was studies.

我国对漆树的栽培及生漆的使用已有约7000年的历史。The people of our country have been planting lacquer tree and using raw lacquer for almost 7000 years.

在秋凉温度步步紧逼之下,鹿角漆树的叶子逐渐变成了鲜红色。The leaves of staghorn sumac trees gradually turn a brilliant red as cool autumn temperatures creep in.

漆树蜡,在日本也称作漆蜡,是从漆树的果皮中榨出来的。Sumac Wax, also called urushi wax in Japan, is extracted from the fruit peel of Sumac Verniciflua Stokes.

本文对中国漆树资源的现状和利用状况进行了综合报道。The recent situation and utilization of the resouces ot Chinese lacquer tree were reported in this paper.

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横亘在湖南、湖北之间的武陵山脉,历史上就生长着很多漆树。Wuling Mountain, which stretches across Hunan and Hubei Provinces, used to be home to many lacquer trees.

工人选用一种从当地漆树中提炼的生物漆进行建筑表面的粉刷,而不用化学成分的油漆。The workers choose to use a type of biological paint collected from local trees instead of the chemical one.

如今的大安,绵延的烤烟占据了几乎所有曾经漆树生长的地方。Nowadays in Da'an, cured tobacco stretches across almost all the places where the lacquer trees used to grow.

生漆是从漆树割取的天然液汁,主要由漆酚、漆酶、树胶质及水分构成。Lacquer is excised from the lacquer natural sap, which is mainly composed of urushiol, laccase, tree resin and water.

真漆是指将从漆树取出的树液纯化和脱水后取得。漆树产于中国,之后移植日本。True lacquer is the purified and dehydrated sap of the Rhus vernicifera tree, native to ChIna and cultivated In Japan.

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我知道,用聚酯树脂可以得到层压树脂和面漆树脂,但用环氧树脂也是这样吗?I know you can get laminating and surface resins when using polyester resins but do you get the same with epoxy resins?

毒漆树毛皮绳索般的茎干在地面上方交错形成脉络,红茎的石楠被盛放的轻盈的黑莓花压弯了枝条。Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground. Red-stemmed briars bent under the snowy weight of blackberry blossoms.

本文对陕西产三个漆树品种引种和试割进行了初步总结。The introduction and trial lacquer tapping of 3 cultivars of Rhus verniciflua have been studied preliminarily in this paper.