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这就是为什么我要生活在穷乡僻壤。That's why I'm going to live in the boonies.

我是在中国的穷乡僻壤长大的。See I grew up in a poor neighborhood in China.

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在穷乡僻壤,在囚禁的阴暗生活中。In the remote place, in the gloomy life which imprisons.

过去的穷乡僻壤,如今已甩掉贫困的帽子,大踏步奔向小康。Remote past, is now off the hat of poverty, to march towards a well-off.

从黄昏到黎明的穷乡僻壤,绘图在更深的一步之旅。Journey from dusk 'til dawn, the backcountry drawing you in deeper by the step.

古丽漫无目的地逃往银河系的穷乡僻壤。With no clear objective or direction, Guri fled to the backwater of the galaxy.

你需要的地形图,因为你想逃脱到穷乡僻壤?Do you need topographic maps because you're wanting to get away into the backcountry?

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寓言中来自穷乡僻壤的农家孩子变成了奥运会明星也就是天真的寓言而已。Dewy-eyed fables about backcountry ploughboys making it to Olympic stardom were exactly that.

即使是穷乡僻壤的小村落也与一些行政中心有联系。Even small villages in the hinterlands of large cities were connected to some political center.

与此同时,中产阶级开始移民到郊区,离开城市去穷乡僻壤。At the same time, the middle class began to migrate to the suburbs, leaving the cities to the poor.

八名雪上汽车驾驶者在加拿大的穷乡僻壤失踪,有人怀疑他们因为当地的雪崩而丧身。Eight snowmobilers are missing and some are feared dead following avalanches in Canada's backcountry.

戈德尔正努力将生意扩展到那些只有5000人小村子的穷乡僻壤去。Godrej is pushing even deeper into the hinterland, trying to reach villages with as few as 5,000 people.

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对于当地政府来说,合肥从穷乡僻壤迈向繁华大都市的疯狂长征实在是轻松实惠。For the local government, it's a small price to pay for the city's mad march from backwater to metropolis.

而当它魂归西天之后,无论是身居庙堂高位的领导人,还是身处穷乡僻壤的卑贱村民都感受到了一种会产生深远影响的损失。And when it died, everyone from the highest echelons of power to humble villagers suffered a profound loss.

我觉得我遇到所有幸福的人,不管他们在穷乡僻壤还是华尔街,他们都只是决定要幸福。I feel all the happy people I have met, whether in villages or on Wall Street, had just decided to be happy.

鹊,我迷失在穷乡僻壤,被一群没有名字的男孩在蕨类丛生中捉住。Magpie, I Am Lost Among The Hinterland, Caught Among The Bracken And The Fern And The Boys Who Have No Name.

完美结合的快速存取和全天候保护,普里默斯胡仙内置的穷乡僻壤。A perfect combination of fast access and all weather protection, the Primus AW was built for the backcountry.

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来享受迷人的穷乡僻壤和科斯塔阿苏尔的马道少而采取的孤立海滩!Come enjoy the enchanting backcountry and the isolated beaches of the Costa Azul, the bridle path less taken!

他接着说,“媒体都信奉精英主义,他们会相信关于你这个出身于阿肯色州穷乡僻壤的小子的任何传言。He went on to say the press were elitists who would believe any tales they were told about backwater Arkansas.

在穷乡僻壤度过几周之后,赛达-斯托克是重新享受一点主流文明的好去处。Cedar Stock was the place to go for a touch of mainstream civilization after spending weeks in the backcountry.