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当我们在2010或2011年得到聚变反应的时候,我们将处于令人兴奋的位置。When we get a burn in 2010 or 2011, we'll be in a very exciting place.

这应当依次导致更多的聚变反应,直到燃料耗尽。This should, in turn, cause more fusion reactions until the fuel runs out.

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每一个聚变反应会耗一个氚核并只产生一个中子。Every fusion reaction devours exactly one tritium ion and produces exactly one neutron.

氢弹内置了一颗原子弹,用于触发聚变反应。A hydrogen bomb has a built-in atomic bomb, which is needed to trigger the fusion reaction.

未来反应堆设计使这种转换发生在包围聚变反应核心区域的一个被称为“再生区”的地方。Future reactor designs make the conversion in a region surrounding the fusion core called the blanket.

在布鲁克林仓库的聚变反应——花费了Suppes先生两年的时间进行了完善。The fusion reactor in the Brooklyn warehouse Mr Suppes has spent the last two years perfecting his reactor

问题是现在没有人能找到一种方法来使聚变反应产生的能量大于反应本身要消耗的能量。The problem is, no-one has found a way of making fusion reactors produce more energy than they consume to run.

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在高压和高温作用下,太阳从内至外不断地产生着聚变反应,这种聚变提供了大量的能量使太阳能不断地释放出光和热。Such fusion reactions will give rise to a great deal of energy to enable the sun to continuously emit light and heat.

对于更大的恒星,核心的压力大得足以使更重元素进行聚变反应,比如氧和碳元素,它们将创造更多的光子。In larger stars, pressure at the core is high enough to fuse heavier elements such as oxygen and carbon, creating more photons.

在聚变反应时,原子在高温高压的环境中聚变成大原子,这时能量会被释放出来。During fusion, energy is released as atomic nuclei are forced together at high temperatures and pressures to form larger nuclei.

如果一个双星系统包含一个白矮星,从伴星上抽离的气体会落在白矮星的表面,在一瞬间引发猛烈的聚变反应,即新星。If a binary includes a white dwarf, gas pulled from a companion onto the white dwarf's surface can fuse violently in a flash called a nova.

在这种原本只能发生在恒星内部的极端条件下,氢原子将发生聚变反应而生成氦原子,同时释放出大量能量。Under such extreme conditions, which are found only in the core of stars, the hydrogen atoms will fuse, producing helium and vast amounts of energy.

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但是,尽管已经进行了数十年的研究,科学家依然不能创造出一种可以用来生产可靠动力、可持续的聚变反应。But decades of research have gone by and scientists remain incapable of creating a sustainable fusion reaction that could be used to create reliable power.

这种互相残杀产生热量,阻止了原恒星中氢氦气云的冷却与收缩,这样也就阻止了聚变反应的发生。This annihilation produced heat that would have kept the proto-stellar cloud of hydrogen and helium from cooling and shrinking and thus preventing fusion reactions from igniting.

对于典型的氘氚聚变反应堆参数,计算了等离子体各组分温度随时间的变化及氚的分布函数随时间的演化,并分析了氚的非麦氏分布及相关的氘氚聚变反应率。For a typical D T fusion reactor, the time dependent evolution of core plasma temperature, the distribution function of tritium and the reactivity enhancement have been calculated.

但是,就象我们在地球上所看到的氢弹爆炸一样,太阳上的聚变反应是不受控制的,它在一分钟内会产生出巨大的却也可能是毁灭性的能量。However, fusion reactions on the sun are uncontrollable, just like H-bomb explosion seen on the earth. Huge amount of energy will be produced in a minute, which may be destructive.