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她们矫揉造作,一本正经还撅着嘴。They mince and prim and pout.

即使有,也是矫揉造作做出来的。Even if there is to do out of affectation.

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他的歌声嘹亮圆润,丝毫没有矫揉造作之感。In 1, his song and mellow, no affectation.

恳,毫不矫揉造作。She is sincere and quite without affectation.

风险在于,它会变得矫揉造作,让人难受。It runs the risk of coming off as painfully contrived.

而她的表演中却丝毫没有矫揉造作或是过于浮夸之感。Nothing is too weepy or melodramatic in her performance here.

矫揉造作不可避免的会暴露不能肯定自己的人。Affectation is inevitably the mark of one not sure of himself.

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纯真是一种骨子里的东西,装出来的只能叫矫揉造作。Pure is in one kind of bone thing, installs only can call affectedly.

我们唯一能肯定的一点是,这些笑都是真实的,没有矫揉造作。The only decision we made is that all these smiles are real, not fake.

在美国缅因州的一个城镇,贝索,老天矫揉造作地下了厚厚的一地雪。It really snowed a shovel up in the cutesy town of Bethel in Maine, USA.

约翰的未婚妻要他给她画像,而总是摆着一副矫揉造作的姿势。John's fian cee wanted him to paint her, and always in a chocolate-box pose.

使人从你的作品中得到享受的方法是做你自己,而不需要华丽的文体或矫揉造作。The way to make it enjoyable is to sound like who you are, not to be pretentious.

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哪知这丑女的矫揉造作使她样子更难看了。Who would have thought this clown female caused her appearance to be uglier affectedly.

它是不矫揉造作的,跟随它可以指引你找到自己最真的欢乐和幸福。It’s unpretentious and following it will lead you to your most authentic joy and happiness.

使人从你的作品中得到享受的方法是做你自己,而不需要华丽的文体或矫揉造作。The way to make it enjoyable is to sound like who you are, not to be ornate or pretentious.

其中一二个确实有这种方向,他们相当夸诞,你乐意的话也能够说有点矫揉造作。One or two were certainly that way inclined, they were very theatric's, luvvy types if you like.

其中一二个确实有这种偏向,他们相当妄诞,你乐意的话也能够说有点矫揉造作。One or two were certainly that way inclined, they were very theatrical, luvvy types if you like.

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城市经济人通常都被媒体描述成一个胆小的人的尖叫,矫揉造作。The City broker is usually portrayed by the media as a scary man screaming and gesticulating manically.

在大不列颠国内的各选区,人们仍然把她视为半路闯出来的陌生人一个冷漠,矫揉造作的极右派。In the constituencies of great britain she was still an interlopercold, affected, and unacceptably right wing.

但也可能只是因为你使用一些矫揉造作的词语来作为“添加到购物车”的按钮,使得用户很困惑。But maybe it’s only because you used some cutesy wording on the “add to cart” button and it’s confusing people.