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镜片一定要是黑色的么?Must lenses always be black?

你们有用完即丢的镜片吗?Do you have disposable lenses?

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用盐溶液清洗镜片。Wash the lenses in saline solution.

USB门,装饰镜片,触摸板。USB door, decorative lenses, touchpad.

你戴过树脂镜片吗?Have you ever tried plastic lenses before?

专业从事光学镜片之贸易。Professionalised in trading optical lenses.

这个镜片可以滤除紫外线。The lenses can filter out ultra-violet rays.

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她夏天用遮阳镜片。She wears glasses with sunshades in hot summer.

泪珠从她的脸上滚落,濡湿了镜片。Tears rolled down her face, wetting the lenses.

月产量四百万套光学镜片。Four sets of monthly production of optical lenses.

这款屏幕通过数百万微小的镜片来反射光线,达到显示多彩颜色的效果。It uses millions of tiny mirrors to reflect light.

驾驶时须戴眼镜或矫正视力的镜片。To wear glasses or corrective lenses when driving.

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无框塑料镜片铭记着螺丝好。Rimless plastic lenses keeping screws well in view.

他每天的工作是制作照相机镜片的毛坯。His daily work is to rough out the lenses for cameras.

深色镜片让他们的双眸得以在各场戏间稍作休息。Dark glasses allowed their eyes to rest between takes6.

进口镜片,电脑验光,立等可取。Imported lenses, computer optometry, immediate delivery.

我们希望采购中国玻璃镜片磨边机,请尽快与我联系。We need glass edging machine, please contact me as soon.

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涉过你轻薄的镜片,我看到深邃的瞳孔。Has forded your frivolous lens, I see the profound pupil.

一款多焦点镜片带有矫正老视的设计。A multifocal lens designed for the correction of presbyopia.

磨制巨型望远镜的镜片价格非常昂贵。The lenses for giant telescopes are very expensive to grind.