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不要让自己受委屈。Do not let yourself wronged.

她断断续续地道出了她的委屈。She hiccupped out her grievances.

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我把最心酸的委屈汇在那里。I collect the sad humiliation there.

双方都觉得自己很委屈。Both sides feeled a sense of grievance.

马母,马娟都觉的委屈王燕了。Ma mother, Ma Juan feel wronged Wang Yan.

宁愿孤独终老,也不委屈求全。Would rather die alone, don't compromise.

今天,那种酸楚与委屈好像又在重演。Today, the pain and grievances like again.

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我大哭大闹一场,狠狠地发泄我的委屈。I blubbered for a while venting my sadness.

而是委屈受创全由独吞…Grievances and hurts were all taken in alone.

他哼哼唧唧地诉说他受的委屈。He had alternately whined over his grievances.

他向他父亲哭诉着他的委屈。He snivelled to his father about his troubles.

他哼哼唧唧地诉说他受的委屈。He had alternately whined about his grievances.

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在帮助他人的过程中,有时你会感到委屈。You may feel angry at times in your caregiving.

“我让你太受委屈了,”海丝特讷讷着说。"I have greatly wronged thee," murmured Hester.

非常委屈求全的向中国表示最大善意。Aggrievedly he expressed well intention to China.

吉耳干先生的面孔形成了一个受委屈的问号。Mr. gilgan's face was an aggrieved question mark.

别整天看起来一副受委屈的样子,亚历山大,像个男人。Don't look so hurt all the time, Alexander. Be a man.

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事实上,有的时候是我们太过纠结于自己的委屈和怨恨。In fact, we sometimes cling to our grievances and grudges.

委屈,心理的酸楚,有谁可以诉说。Grievance , of psychology distressed, who can be recounted.

蹲下来抚摸自己的影子,对不起让你受委屈了。Squat down to touch his own shadow, sorry to let you wronged.