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也说“黔驴技穷”。Also said "out".

不要怕,他已经黔驴技穷了。Don't be scared, he is up with end.

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面对那样的势力,人们黔驴技穷。We are powerless in the face of such forces.

别人觉得左派已经黔驴技穷了。Other people think the left has just run out of ideas.

在刺激方案的选择上,西方国家似乎已快要黔驴技穷。Western nations seem close to running out of stimulus options.

“黔驴技穷”“这个成语比喻仅有的一点本事也用完了,再没有别的办法了。This idiom is used to mean that one has exhausted one's skills.

因为她黔驴技穷了,她又把脸转向法官。Because she was at her wits` end, she turned to the judge again.

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布什政府已经黔驴技穷,公众极度渴望强有力的领导。The Bush administration was out of gas, and the public was starved for leadership.

我已经黔驴技穷了,因为我知道看电视对孩子的眼睛、大脑等都没有好处。I am at my wits end because I know TV is not good for children’s eyes, brains, etc.

政府过去热衷于改革教育,但似乎已经黔驴技穷。The government used to be keen on overhauling education but it has run out of puff.

你的建议对他将非常有价值,因为他现在已经黔驴技穷了…Your advice would be exceedingly valuable to him, who is at present at his wit's end.

他最后终于知道,如果一厢情愿地相信爱情可以代替一切,那永远是黔驴技穷。His end finally know that if wishfully believe love to can replace everything, that is a Qian donkey to exhaust all tricks forever.

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当新一批血清刚运抵时,竟被人投掷手榴弹而炸毁,董铭黔驴技穷只得承受将病人隔离的倡议。When a new batch of serum just arrived, he was people throwing grenades and blow up, DongMing qian donkey had to bear will patient segregation initiative.

德国财政部长朔伊布勒在上周接受记者采访,谈对美国量化宽松货币政策的态度时,用到了一个词---“Trostlos”---但这个词当时被误译为“黔驴技穷”。A word – trostlos – used by Germany's finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, when speaking to reporters about US fiscal policy last week was mistranslated as "clueless".