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该种毒物能使海洋生物病变。The toxin can make sea life sick.

病变特征与脑膜瘤一致。This is consistent with a meningioma.

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病变损害程度,左右侧不对称。The extent of lesions is not asymmetry.

幕上病变是少见的。Supra-tentorial lesions are less common.

非梗阻病变6例中5例为神经性膀胱。In the 6 patients, 5 had nervous bladder.

在皮肤表面,可以看到外皮痂形成的病变。Crusted lesions were seen on all skin surface.

脾脏的肿瘤性病变还是增生性病变?。Hyperplastic or neoplastic lesion of the spleen?

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许多病例出现由骨骼病变引起的跛行。Many cases include lameness due to bone lesions.

由此表明早产儿视网膜病变可能与遗传因素有关。It seems that ROP may relate with genetic factors.

这有可能是膝关节皱褶病变的症状噢!This may be symptoms of Knee Joint Plica Syndrome!

若发现有视网膜病变,则须更多次的检查。If found retinopathy, to be more of the inspection.

很多女性不止一项盆底病变。Many women had more than one pelvic floor disorder.

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动脉瘤样骨囊肿属骨的瘤样病变。Aneurysmal bone cyst is a tumor like lesion of bones.

病变可多发,常并发精索静脉曲张。Lesions, often can be multiple concurrent varicocele.

最后两个以人名命名的病变有其特殊的原因。The latter two eponymic lesions have specific causes.

分流术后凋亡改善,PHG病变程度缓解。Disconnection exacerbates PHG and shunt ameliorate it.

睾丸中见到肿块病变是精原细胞瘤。The mass lesion seen here in the testis is a seminoma.

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探讨冠心病的病变脏腑特点。Explore the characteristic of the pathological viscera.

纵膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤大多是良性病变。Mature teratomas of the mediastinum are benign lesions.

治疗取决于病变的症状和位置。Treatment depends on the lesions' symptoms and location.