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约翰w。肯尼迪上士——我们在那幢建筑物里发现了一些葫芦。SFC JOHN w. KENNEDY- We found gourds in that building.

萧辉让金妈妈选了上士,中士,下士。Xiao Hui let gold mother chose a staff sergeant, sarge, corporal.

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他不信马丁内兹和布朗有谁能当得了排里的当家上士。He couldn't visualize either Martinez or Brown as platoon sergeant.

建立了足够的侧翼安全保障以后,米勒上士重新投入正面的战斗。Once ample security was established, Staff Sgt. Miller re-engaged the enemy.

第二天早上6点半,我被一个称为“上士”的人叫醒。The next morning, I was waked up by someone called "Staff Sergeant" at 0630.

“如果我们在这的一年可以不发一枪,我会很高兴,”上士说到。“Ifwe are here for a year and don't fire one round, I'm happy,” the sergeant said.

詹姆斯·马佐尼·道尔顿上士不甘屈居于自己的美国队友之下,他在一天内跑了86英里。Refusing to be outdone by an American, Army Staff Sgt James Mazzoni-Dalton ran 86 miles.

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“如果我们在这的一年可以不发一枪,我会很高兴,”上士说到。“Ifwe are here for a year and don’t fire one round, I’m happy, ” the sergeant said.“I’ve

然而,一个阿肯色州人却有幸在托德上士心中留下了最深刻的印象。But an Arkansas man holds the honour of making the biggest impression on Colour Sgt Todd.

就在即将离开英国的时候,托德上士的跟腱撕裂让他不能再跑步了。Colour Sgt Todd snapped his Achilles tendon just before leaving the UK, leaving him unable to run.

几秒钟后,米勒上士成功地把游击队的主要火力吸引了过来。Within seconds, Staff Sgt. Miller began receiving a majority of the insurgents' heavy volume of fire.

置个人安危于不顾,米勒上士继续勇敢地向游击队射击,故意把敌人的火力从他的战友身上引向自己。Miller continued to engage the enemy courageously drawing fire away from his team and onto his position.

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随着指挥员站下来,上士的排长和他的言论亲爱的朋友上升。As the commander stands down, the staff sergeant's platoon sergeant and dear friend rises for his remarks.

上士BrianEisch,一个35岁的单身父亲,他在威斯康星州有两个孩子,这也是他的第一次海外驻防,他有不同的看法。a 35-year-oldsingle parent of two boys fromWisconsin, also on his first deployment, voiced adifferent view.

“我们来这里学习,是因为这里才是真正具备使用无人飞机能力的地方,”来自英国Darlington的飞行员上士说。"We're here because this is where the real UAV capability is, " the flight sergeant from Darlington, England, said.

我被叫做许多其他的“第一个”名字---士兵,专家,中士,上士,或者一级上士。I have been called by many other "first" names -- private, specialist, sergeant, staff sergeant and sergeant 1st class.

我们在上士麦达德身上的美国特质,他负责伊拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。We see it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.

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一位上士曾说,“我知道对我那些在战斗中牺牲的战友们来说,这一天也许有着非凡的意义。”As one staff sergeant said, “I know that to my brothers in arms who fought and died, this day would probably mean a lot.”

尽管遭到致命的枪伤,米勒上士依然坚定英勇地作战。Despite suffering a second and fatal wound, Staff Sgt. Miller remained steadfast and continued his selfless acts of heroism.

托德上士说,他特地挑选了这些没有长跑经验的队员,这样才能使这场义举给人们留下更深刻的印象。Colour Sgt Todd says he deliberately sought participants who weren't experienced runners to make the achievement even more impressive.