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废除农业税每人直接受益100元。The direct benefit of tax abolishment is 100 yuan per-person.

农业税最早纪录于春秋时期。Well, agricultural tax was first recorded in Spring and Autumn period.

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第四部分分析了免征农业税的意义。The forth part analyzes the meaning of tax-exempt policy of agriculture.

我们再也不用交农业税了,可生活并没有改善很多。We don’t have to pay the graintax anymore, but our lives aren’t much better.

农业税的取消,标志着中国从农业社会迈入了工业社会。This move marks the transition of China from an agrarian to industrial society.

晋唐人丁为本税制是我国著名的农业税制。People-oriented tax institution between Jin Dynasty and Tang Dynasty is very famous.

而这些乱收费就是搭着农业税的便车向农民征收的。And the arbitrary charge was collected from farmers under the veil of agricultural tax.

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政府直接补贴农民和废除农业税。One reason is government direct subsidies to farmers and the abolishment of agricultural taxes.

不知道大家有没有注意到,从2006年第一天起,中国政府取消了农业税。I wonder how many people noticed that in the first day of 2006 China abolished agricultural tax.

为了提高农民的生活水平,他们还做了其他许多努力——从免除农业税到免费义务教育。Much else has also been done to raise farmers’ living standards, from tax exemption to free education.

我们在2006年全部免除了农业税,每年减轻农民负担超过1335亿元。We fully rescinded agricultural tax in 2006, reducing farmers’ burdens by 133.5 billion yuan each year.

取消农业税有利于减轻农民的负担,但对乡镇财政也会有很大的影响。Agricultural tax cancellation helps reduce the burden of farmers, but has great impact on rural finance.

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本文试图从趋势研究的途径考察中共统购统销和农业税兴废的举措。This article explores the rise and the abolishment of the unified purchase and agricultural tax in China.

其次,在农村,政府坚决地取消了农业税,减轻了农民的不合理负担。In rural areas, the government has abolished the agricultural taxes so as to ease the burdens on Chinese farmers.

今年是减免农业税改革的第一年,要切实做好今年改革试点工作。This year is derate agriculture duty the first year of reform, should cogent had done reform pilot job this year.

农村税费改革、取消农业税是关系农民、农业、农村问题的大事,而农业税法律制度是其中的着眼点。For the vast number of village cadres, before and after total abolished the agricultural taxes that changed a lot.

事实上,所得税、农业税、包括关税的工商税与经济增长显著负相关。In fact , income tax , agricultural tax, industrial and commercial tax are negative relation with economic growth.

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随着农业税的取消,乡镇政府职能的公共服务取向更加明显。With the abolition of agricultural tax, the township government functions more obvious public service orientation.

然而,税费改革后中国财政体制和农业税的深层问题也逐渐暴露。However, some in-depth issues hidden in Chinas fiscal institution and agricultural taxation come out after the reform.

农业税应纳税额按照法律、行政法规的规定核定。The amount of agricultural taxes payable shall be assessed in accordance with the laws and administrative regulations.