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你让我今天增辉不少。You brighten my day.

这张新地毯使房间增辉不少。The new carpet brightened the room.

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她一走进来,屋子顿时增辉不少。The room lights up when she walks in.

这一点朱增辉先生就是典型的范例。Mr. Zhu Zenghui is a typical example of this.

市长的光临为庆祝活动增辉。The mayor was there to dignify the celebrations.

四周的大树使茅舍增辉。The cottage was -fied by the great trees around it.

四周的大树使茅舍增辉。The cottage was dignified by the great trees around it.

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艺术瓷砖,使您厨房四壁增辉。Art ceramic tiles add luster to the walls of your kitchen.

新型涂料,令您新居四壁增辉。The modern paint adds luster to the walls of your new home.

不过,要是他们追求为上帝增辉添光,那就不要把肮脏的双手朝天举起吧!But, if they seek to glorify God, let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands!

本教程将教你如何用超酷的闪光效果来给你的艺术作品增辉。This tutorial will teach you how to come up a cool glowing effects on your artworks.

艺术挂毯,用色彩来表现明快和谐,为您的居室增辉。Art tapestry, expressing brightness and harmony in colour, adds attraction to your room.

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那几支公鸡毛赋予她一种俏皮的神气,而暗绿天鹅绒帽子更使她的眼睛分外增辉,几乎成了翡翠色了。The cock feathers gave her a dashing air and the dull-green velvet of the bonnet made her eyes startlingly bright almost emerald colored.

本教程将教你如何用超酷的闪光效果来给你的艺术作品增辉。让我们先看一下预览图。This tutorial will teach you how to come up a cool glowing effects on your artworks. Lets take a quick preview first on the final result.

我们还相信,东西方文化在新的时代必将互相交融,互相整合,互为增辉。We also believe that in the new age , the western culture and eastern culture will be crossed , integrated and reinforced with each other.

不过我们还希望能将宴会厅装饰起来,如果能在大厅中央放置一棵带有彩色垂带的圣诞树就会更加增辉了。But we'd like to have the banquet hall decorated. It would be better if a Christmas tree stands in the middle with some colourful streamers.

不过我们还希望能将宴会厅装饰起来,如果能在大厅中央放置一棵带有彩色垂带的圣诞树就会更加增辉了。But we'd like to have the banquet hall decorated. it would be better if a christmas tree stands in the middle with some colourful streamers.

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从这一点来讲,战神中包含的关卡设定确实很有创造性给原来的基本版游戏增辉不少。With that said , the scenarios that have been included in warlords are very inventive and offer some intriguing changes to the basic game design.

联本大观,源远流长,亦庄亦趣,增辉堂室、山川、人物,犹如老树灿新花。Alliance of the artifacts, has a long history, Yizhuang have fun, and Zenghui Hall room, mountains and rivers, people, like trees Can a new flower.

活着时,财富为主人带来地位。死后,多半相反,主人的名声,如果他活着时有的话,与生平一起为财富增辉。In life, possessions give their owners status. In death, it's more like the reverse, the owner's celebrity, if he had it, electrifying the object with a personal history.