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其次,为甘肃公路自然区划提供基础图件。Secondly, provide the basic photograph for natural subside.

然而,这来未粘住的以机械的地面区划看来。However, this came unstuck considering the mechanical layout.

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区划体系包括9个一级区和18个二级区。Regionalization system includes 9 regions and 18 sub-regions.

洪水灾害风险区划是洪水风险管理的基本依据。The risk regionalization of agrometeorological calamities was accompl.

第二部分生态经济区划的理论框架。The second one is the theoretic frame of eco-economic regionalization.

第二部分是葫芦岛都市区划界。The second part, we delimit a boundary of Hu Lu island metropolis district.

国外有句名言,没有土地使用规划和区划法规,就不可能进行优化建设。No land-use planning and zoning ordinance means no optimum urban development.

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最高法院指出德州的多数重新区划计划是合乎宪法的。The Supreme Court says most of the Texas redistricting plan is constitutional.

利用分形方法对黑龙江省进行气候区划。Utilized fractal method to divide the climatic division of Heilongjiang Province.

生态经济区划原则是地带性原则、非地带性原则和社会经济学原则。The principles of eco-economic zoning are zonality, non-zonality and socioeconomic.

如何表达风险值估计不准,是深层次风险区划研究的问题。It is a deep-seated problem that how to express the imprecision of risk assessments.

作为新区划的实例,给出25、50、100年重现期的渤海海冰工程分区。The new ice sub-areas in return periods of 25-, 50- and 100-year are given as samples.

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在济南市农村经济区划工作中使用,取得令人满意效果。We used the software in Jinan rural economy regionalization and achieved good results.

研究天祝地震危险区划是一个综合性的课题。It is a comprehensive subject to study the earthquake hazardous area zoning in Tianzhu.

盘片被划分成扇形,从而字节扇区划分的轨道成512。The platter is divided into pie slices, thus dividing the tracks into 512-byte sectors.

本文依据区划环境标准,提出了环境资源的成本化概念——环境成本。According to the environmental standard, the concept of environmental cost is put forth.

最后,根据区划结果对海南省未来产业发展的空间结构布局进行评述与建议。At last, it recites and makes some suggestions on spatial distribution of Hainan's industry.

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在数字化区划的森林经营类型中,二级系统被采纳。Within the study area, Baihe Forestry Bureau land was classified into a two-hierarchy system.

地震小区划是在我国广大地震活动区内进行城市和厂矿建设面临的一个重要问题。Microzonation is an important problem for a number of cities in wide seismic regions of China.

危险区区划是自然灾害管理及其防治的一种有效工具和途径。Danger zone division is one of the effective ways in natural disaster management and prevention.