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他喜欢蝴蝶。He loves butterflies.

有些蝴蝶生活在寒带。Some live where it's cold.

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俺已经将蝴蝶撷在手心里了。I have to hand in the mind.

不,斑比,这是一只蝴蝶。No, Bambi, it's a butterfly.

你喜欢哪一只蝴蝶,艾丽斯?Which one do you like, Alice?

我的梦变成了一只蝴蝶。The dream becomes a butterfly.

毕比看见一只黄色的蝴蝶。BeeBee sees a yellow butterfly.

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从这张专辑的白蝴蝶。From the album White Butterfly.

他网了许多蝴蝶。He netted a lot of butterflies.

它们就像白色的蝴蝶。They are like white butterflies.

蝴蝶蝴蝶飞在天空中。Butterfly butterfly is in the sky.

蝴蝶用脚品尝味道。Butterflies taste with their feet.

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我喜欢蝴蝶和蜻蜓。I like butterflies and dragonflies.

原因是蝴蝶效应。The Butterfly Effect is the reason.

王铭1973年完成的作品“宇宙蝴蝶”Wang Ming's Cosmic Butterfly, 1973.

告诉妈妈“蝴蝶是黄色的”应说。A. It's a butterfly. B. It's yellow.

蝴蝶在花花间跳舞。Butterflies keep dancing in flowers.

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人生在世就好象一场蝴蝶梦。Living life as if a butterfly dream.

她可以感觉到蝴蝶在里面鼓翼。She could feel it fluttering inside.

毛虫会变成蝴蝶。Caterpillars turned into butterflies.