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故此你们要守我的律例,典章。But you must keep my decrees and my laws.

大圣石猴是也,故此地名猴鞠岩!It is Monkey King, thus this cliff called Bowing Monkey.

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队友太不讲理了,故此他离开足球队。The teammates were so unreasonable that he left the football team.

故此设计这个问卷调查,请再次填写。Therefore, we re-design this survey, and ask you to fill in again.

任何正面的定义皆来自记忆,故此一无所用。Every positive definition is from memory and, therefore, inapplicable.

亚基帕王啊,我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.

亚基帕王阿,我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision

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故此需要有应激压力测试,以便从基因库中剔除弱神经型的犬只。And it requires stress tests to weed weak nerved dogs out of the gene pool.

故此透过追加点数,以确保用家能成功止损。With a view to that, toler can be set to guarantee the success in stop loss.

这四十年,耶和华你的神常与你同在,故此你一无所缺。These forty years the LORD your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything.

故此他理当为百姓和自己献祭赎罪。And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.

黑色。因没有分子就没有散射光,故此天空显得暗淡。Black, because there is no molecule and therefore no scattered light to brighten the sky.

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但它的尘埃微粒发射红外光,或者说热辐射,故此斯皮策卫星能看到它。But its dusty particles shine within frared light, or heat radiation, that Spitzer can see.

家强及木荣是达富的手下,故此亦有参与绑架欢喜儿子的行动。Strong and wood rong is for rich men, therefore also had involved in kidnapping and sons action.

由于他不把任何人视为可信赖的朋友,故此当敌人实际上已出现时,仍然辨认不出。Trusting no man as his friend, he could not recognise his enemy when the latter actually appeared.

当时严格地依靠口耳传承,而他的上师又已经圆寂,故此他非常担忧。Because it was a strictly oral teaching he was very worried because his guru had already passed away.

据报道,现年57岁的查韦斯由于化疗开始掉发,故此剃光了头发。According to reports, 57-year-old Chavez since the start of chemotherapy hair loss, therefore shaved hair.

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故此联合国安理会才就禁飞区决意进行表决,北约才每天进行干预。That is why the U.N. Security Council voted on its “no-fly zone” resolution and why NATO intervenes daily.

事实上星玛是LG与奥的斯的合营公司,故此奥的斯的东西很多时会用于星玛电梯产品上。Actually Sigma is an LG-OTIS joint venture thus OTIS stuff is often incorporated in Sigma elevator products.

天山雪蟹是正宗的中华绒螯蟹,因用天山雪融水养育而成,故此得名。Tianshan snow crab is authentic Eriocheir sinensis, from Tianshan by raising water from melting snow, so named.