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金刚!猩猩和他的地盘。King Kong! orang and his land.

大多数的猩猩木石大红色。Most poinsettias are bright red.

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猩猩们只有一个敌人-----人类。These gorillas only have one enemy-Man.

猩猩们造反了并袭击了旧金山。The apes revolt and descend on San Francisco.

见著一头成年的雄性红毛猩猩,总教人印象深刻。An adult male orangutan is an impressive sight.

那猴子、猩猩为什么不能把它叫做人呢?Why can't monkeys and gorillas be called people?

你要向那大猩猩学几下秘招。哈哈。You need to take some tips from the gorilla. lol.

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雄性小猩猩则喜欢用棍子互相敲打。Males prefer to use the sticks to whack each other.

许多人相信猩猩木是有毒的。Many people believe that poinsettias are poisonous.

小母猩猩看自己母亲工作时,小公猩猩却在爬树。Girls watched their moms work, but boys climbed trees.

猩猩现在面临着在野外灭绝的境地。Orang are currently on the verge of extinction wildly.

在经过的时候,雌猩猩和小猩猩盯着我。The females and youngsters stared at me as they passed.

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或许塞拉姆看起来还是有点像猩猩,但她确实属于人类。She may look a bit chimp-like but she is actually human.

该动物园饲养的猿类动物中,共有13只猩猩。The park has 13 orangutans among its collection of apes.

高尔的头发短而硬,胳膊很长如猩猩一般。Goyle has short, bristly hair and long, gorilla-ish arms.

在这个小三角形的纸上画小猩猩。Let's draw the Little Chimp on this small triangle paper.

就算咱们把猩猩都开化了Supposing that the chimpanzees were to be civilized by us

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一只小猩猩像个孩子似地偎依在他的怀里。A baby gorilla lay in his arms just like a human baby did.

最后,猩猩警官把老狼押回了警察局。At last, Officer Orangutang took him to the police station.

小猫立即报了案,猩猩警官和狗警察很快就赶来了。Then officer Orangutang and the Policeman dog came quickly.