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我已经在工作中看到了成效。I've seen it in action.

有成效地利用时间。Use your time productively.

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成效不显。The result is not so marked.

有时借笔生花更具成效。Sometimes the latter is better.

我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。Ihope this meeting is productive.

这所学校保证立见成效。The school promised rapid results.

这种努力看来是产生了成效。The effort appears to have paid off.

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其成效震惊了世界。The results have astounded the world.

我的努力已见成效。My efforts have brought about results.

“三农”工作成效显著。"Three rural" achieved remarkable results.

今年初,一个法律系研究生验证了这个理论的成效。One recent law grad put the theory to test.

正确的开始以使你的一天更富有成效。Start your day right to be more productive.

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这种新方法成效显著。The new method has produced a marked effect.

我们应当希望中国这次的努力富有成效。We should wish China well in this endeavour.

世银在中等收入国家的援助成效还不算太差。Middle-income countries did not do too badly.

不久他们的工作就见成效了。Before long, their work began to show results.

只要跟着这个系统,你就会收有成效。If you follow the system, you get the results!

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实际上,整个团队工作将会更富有成效。In fact, the whole team can be more productive.

北京的反污染努力是否得到了成效?Are Beijing's anti-pollution efforts paying off?

该方案已经取得了一些早期的成效。The program has notched up some early successes.