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中国在规模和智慧方面可谓急起直追。China in both size and wisdom is a phenomenal and urgent opportunity.

但是两星期后戈尔急起直追,有些民意调查还发现戈尔逐步领先了。But two weeks later Gore caught up and some polls showed him edging ahead.

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随着中国人均收入的急起直追急起直追,中国急起直追的经济很快就会让其亚洲邻国相形见绌相形见绌。As China's income per head catches up, its economy will soon dwarf those of its Asian neighbors.

作为产业集聚发展落后的广西只有急起直追,完善一系列制度,才能后来居上。Guangxi, falling behind in industrial agglomeration, has to make more efforts and improve rules and regulations to catch up with others.

不过,民调显示,这位亿万富翁的共和党竞争对手们正在急起直追,前外科医生本·卡森在民调中只落后川普一个百分点。But the polls show the billionaire's Republican rivals catching up to him, with former surgeon Ben Carson only one point behind in opinion surveys.

本文首先对西北近年来果品生产迅速发展进行了分析,指出宁夏水果生产须急起直追。This paper analysed the rapid development of fruit production in northwest China in recent years and pointed out that Ningxia should catch up with the situation.

龟兔第一次赛跑,由于兔子骄傲自满而惨遭失败,而在第二次赛跑时它能急起直追,终于反败为胜。The tortoise and the hare that first race, the rabbit be big with pride but failed, and in second the race when it can rouse oneself to catch up, finally turn the tide.

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山东作为农业大省尚未成为农业强省的差距在品牌、名牌,须认清形势,急起直追,加倍努力。The difference of Shandong as the agricultural big province but not the agricultural strong province lies in the brand, we must recognize the position and make great efforts.

老虎伍兹打完廿五球后才取得领先,最后急起直追推进关键球,以赢三洞剩两洞击败洛夫三世,蝉连冠军。Tiger Woods went 25 holes before he finally took the lead, then roared past Davis Love III with key putts to win the Match Play Championship for the second straight year, 3 and 2.

但如果不能够高度重视,急起直追,那么我们与发达国家已经缩小的差距将会被再次拉大,在后危机时代逐渐失去应有的话语权。But if it is not able to attach great importance to catch up, so will we narrowed the gap with developed countries is widening again, in times of crisis after losing the right to speak.

过去LED封装产业由日本所主导,技术领先市场,然而在台湾LED封装产业急起直追之下,成长率已经远胜日本。In the past, Japan with its market-leading technology, has dominated the LED packaging industry. However, Taiwan's packaging industry has caught up, and its growth has far overtaken Japan.