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猫在我鞋子里拉屎啦。The cat pooped in my shoes?

柱塞应从导套里拉出。Draw out the cylinder liner.

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班尼把车从沟里拉了出来。Benny pulled the car out of the ditch.

一共有三千多里拉。There were three thousand and some lire.

迪古里拉,创享色彩,点亮人生。Tikkurila inspires you to color your life.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,巴马火腿,芝麻菜。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, parma ham, arugula.

你也可以从召唤宠物图标里拉它们出来。You can even drag them from the Call Pet flyout.

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旋转车门锁闩销90?并向里拉。Swivel door latch snib by90? And pull it inwards.

里拉是阿拉伯语中磅的翻译。The word lira is the Arabic translation of pound.

辣酱,马苏里拉,蘑菇,红洋葱。Chili sauce, mozzarella, wild mushroom, red onions.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,新鲜蔬菜。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, seasonal fresh vegetables.

但是佩里拉坚持要和她爱的人呆在一起。But Perera insisted on staying with the man she loved.

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我给了他二零零零里拉并在我的口袋的数珠。I gave him 2,000 liras and put the rosary in my pocket.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,菠萝,虾,巴马火腿。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, pineapple, shrimp, parma ham.

我只有两个里拉,你真的明白吗?I only have two lira. You do understand that, don't you?

马苏里拉芝士,蕃茄,现切帕尔马生火腿,罗勒叶,橄榄油。Mozarella cheese, tomato, parma in out basil, olive oil.

来看看真正的孟买五星酒店在孟买里拉。Come see a true five-star Mumbai hotel at The Leela Mumbai.

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往里拉这个把手开动机器。Pull this handle towards you and put the machine in motion.

番茄酱,马苏里拉,牛肉,意大利香肠。Tomato sauce, mozzarella, beef tenderloin, Italian sausage.

马苏里拉芝士,番茄,罗勒叶,芝麻菜,小辣椒,橄榄油。Mozzarella cheese, tomato, basil, rucola, chilli, olive oil.