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子君在夜大上课,又遇到成浩。Zijun in community college classes, meet ungho again.

几个月前我刚从夜大毕业生。I graduated from an evening college just a couple of months ago.

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在中国,人们年夜大都本人的时期属于新一代的独一的孩子。In China, most people of my age belong to the generation of the only child.

或是普通大学、夜大毕业的,甚至是在家自学了四年?Or ordinary university, YeDa graduation, even study at home for four years?

她辅弼有更好的来由比年夜大都知道和观赏她的学问和经历。Her Prime Ministers have better reason than most to know and appreciate her knowledge and experience.

状师说,究竟上年夜大都离婚案中的财产分派照旧公允的,有时借对女方更有益。In practice, lawyers said, asset division in most divorce cases is fair to women, sometimes favoring them.

她辅弼有更好的来由比年夜大都知道和观赏她的学问和经历。Her premier compares good of reason better than and big part know and grateful her the knowledge and the experience.

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正如在年夜大都中国互联网公司中见到的,年夜大都高管都有海外教育或工作布景。As is common at Chinese internet firms, a disproportionate number of senior managers are foreign-educated or have worked abroad.

裴尚轩计划报读夜大,考官发现裴尚轩在犯罪记录栏没有填任何记录。PeiShangXuan plan to read the community college, the examiner found PeiShangXuan record column did not fill in any of the crime.

其它短处,固然不那么严重,同样意味着年夜大都结业生暂时打工恰如其名----是一个暂时地选择。Other drawbacks, though less serious, still mean that temping for most graduates is exactly what its name implies ---- a temporary choice.

一些甚而开光正在2面,而且年夜大都是醉的没有早于六时,固然它正在那年的这时候没有是沉的正在英国另外一小时或两。Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock although it is not light in England for another hour or two at this time of the year.

可是这类极度相对比赛,也有愈来愈多的证据撑持那一究竟,年夜大都人得了缺少白天梦而没有是过剩的。But such extremes are relatively race, and there is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming rather than an excess of it.

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罗梅罗在20岁时参军入伍,在驻地图书室里如饥似渴地读书,最终上了夜大、加州大学,然后就读医学院。Drafted into the Army at 20, Romero devoured every book in the post library, ultimately attending community college at night, then the University of California, then medical school.

到18世纪后期,因为奴隶在西印度群岛起义惹起的除死刑的活动,招致年夜大都欧洲国度决议计划暂奴隶商业。By the late 18th Century, a growing abolitionist movement, fuelled by slave uprisings in the West Indies, resulted in most European countries making tentative moves towards halting the trade.

侦查人员出庭作证轨制在年夜大都英美法系国度已获得确立,可是该轨制在自己国设立与否却不断备受争议。System of investigators testifying in court has been established in most countries of the Common-Law System. However, it is controversial that the system should be established in China or not.

查询拜访问卷地成果很难为年夜大都人所承受,那是由于问卷成果中某一局部投票地人或许没拜候任何世界遗产地或者仅仅拜候啦一两个罢了。The results of the poll are difficult to accept for many people because they are the result of votes cast by people who may have not visited any of the sites or may have only visited one or two.

而尽年夜大都人是皆喜好的,那末那便意味着人们的糊口中既要有传统的中餐,也要有一些西式的食物,那便触及到中西餐交融的成绩。The vast majority of people are like, then this means that people's lives, we must have a traditional Chinese food, but also some Western-style food, which involves the issue of Western integration.