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我的可是闭卷考呢。Mine is closed-book.

有书闭卷不阅读,你知道教育。无异是一块木头。A book that remains shut is but a block.

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能问个问题吗?我们是开卷考还是闭卷?Tell me your name, or I can't answer you.

考试将是闭卷考试、不允许携带小抄。The exam will be closed-book with no notes allowed.

如无明确指示,测验将闭卷进行。The exams will be closed book unless otherwise indicated.

好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人受益。It is a good book opened with expectation and closed with profit.

第九条国家司法考试采用闭卷的方式。Article 9 National judicial examination adopts mode of close-book exam.

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好书开卷引人入胜,闭卷使人得益。That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.

考试采取闭卷的形式进行,考试实行百分制,60分以上为合格。Most schools in China use the hundred percentage point system, with 60 percent as the passing grade.

而有些课的考试是完全闭卷考试。考试时什么都不能带,甚至计算器都不行。And other classes are completely closed book. You can't bring anything into it, even a calculator, so.

开闭卷相结合的理论课考试形式既不同于传统的闭卷考试,也有别于完全的开卷考试。The exam under open and close condition is a new mode which is different from traditional close-exam and entire open-exam.

同时,改革传统考核方式,以开卷与闭卷相结合的方式及课程设计取代之。In addition, it presents the reform to the single traditional examine mode by adopting the combine of many kinds of means and the curriculum design.

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本课程第三学年第二学期开设,计划学时64,学分4,期末采用闭卷考试,百分制。The course is scheduled in the second half of the third academic year, with teaching 64 hours and 4 credits. The final examination takes 100 points.

近年来中国的考试制度强化了学生们死记硬背的功力,这使得他们更乐意采取闭卷考试的形式。The students would be even happier with a closed-book exam since years of the Chinese education system has perfected their rote memorization skills.

本文从专业基础课教学特点出发,提出了多元化考试系统的构想,旨在突破传统的单一闭卷考试方法,创造一种全新的考试模式。This paper proposes a multi component examination new mode for basic courses of specialism in order to break through traditional examination method.

方法根据本课程的特点和教学大纲的要求,以综合评价的考核方式来替代以往的以闭卷考试为主的考核方式。According to the characteristics and requirement of the curriculum a comprehensive evaluation is suggested to replace the conventional written examination.

所有级别的基础考试应为闭卷考试,考试题应包括该级别适用方法的全部内容。The general examination for all levels shall be a closed book examination consisting of questions that cover the cross-section of the applicable method at the appropriate level.

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但是该课程传统的考核模式大多为闭卷考试,不能有效考核学生实际操作和运用知识的能力。However, the traditional mode of examination of the course are mostly close-book examination, which can not effectively assess the actual operation and the ability of using knowledge of students.