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他吹哨子召集全体海员到甲板上。He piped all hands on deck.

他吹哨子解散全体海员。He piped away all the sailors.

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卫兵正在吹哨子。The guard is blowing his whistle.

如果走失了,原地呆着,吹哨子。STAY PUT and blow whistle if lost.

警察吹哨子令我们停止。The policeman whistled us to stop.

如果可能的话可以用哨子。Use a whistle if one is available.

裁判哨子一响,比赛开始了。The referee whistled and the game began.

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我把生命的哨子诗意地吹响。I blew the whistle of my life poetically.

裁判员吹哨子宣布比赛结束。The referee whistled the end of the match.

确保您有哨子,以便发出求救信号。Make sure you have a whistle to signal for help.

航行训练后船长吹哨子解散了水手们。The captain piped the man down after boat drill.

大副房间的救生衣哨子丢失。The lifejacket whistle in Chief Mate's cabin missing.

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我们沿着哨子爬到了桌子上。我拿到了雨伞。We climbed up the whistle and I grabbed the umbrella.

一个照明灯和哨子供你引起注意使用。A light and whistle are provided to attract attention.

我头撞在路沿上,哨子把我的嘴唇割破了。I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on the whistle.

培养青年裁判,没有哨子,在球场外。Refereeing for education, no whistle, outside the field.

鸽子脚上的竹哨子发出低低的嗡嗡声。Bamboo whistles attached to the birds' feet emit a low hum.

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我站在一个洞前并吹哨子,”谢尔盖回答说。I stood, in front of a cave and whistled, " Sergei replies.

“简单,”伊凡说,“你站在一个洞前并吹哨子。"Easy, " says Ivan. "You stand in front of a cave and whistle.

我才没有。而且裁判没有吹我哨子。No, I didn't. Besides, the referee didn't blow the whistle on me.